8/6/2018 OFF THE BEATEN PATH……. with the TEMPOBUS By: Karla A. Hoey.


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Presentation transcript:

8/6/2018 OFF THE BEATEN PATH……. with the TEMPOBUS By: Karla A. Hoey

8/6/2018 OBJECTIVE After viewing this presentation, you will be able to identify terms & markings associated with TEMPO

So buckle up and “HITCH -A- RIDE” on the BUS!!!! 8/6/2018 So buckle up and “HITCH -A- RIDE” on the BUS!!!!

TEMPO WHAT IS ? TEMPO is the speed at which music is performed. Slow 8/6/2018 WHAT IS ? TEMPO TEMPO is the speed at which music is performed. Slow Medium Fast

To know the TEMPO of the music, you MUST know... 8/6/2018 To know the TEMPO of the music, you MUST know... TERMS DEFINITIONS SYMBOLS



8/6/2018 SYMBOLS

are visual clues indicating TEMPO changes. 8/6/2018 SYMBOLS are visual clues indicating TEMPO changes. RIT. (RITARD): gradually SLOWING down ACCEL.(ACCELERANDO): gradually SPEEDING up

To know the TEMPO of the music, you MUST know… 8/6/2018 REMEMBER… To know the TEMPO of the music, you MUST know… TERMS DEFINITIONS SYMBOLS

8/6/2018 SO... “HITCH -A- RIDE” on the TEMPOBUS