Critical Thinking You have two minutes to figure out the following problem. You must show your work. No talking or cheating.
In three moves, rearrange the coins so that the three quarters are together and the two pennies are together with no empty space in between each coin. At the end of each move, the coins are always in a line as in the original configuration. Each move consists of moving two adjacent coins at one time.
The Solution
I can adjust the way I think about various tasks to better understand!!! Goals for the Day
Voice Lesson - Imagery Consider: And now nothing but drums, a battery of drums, the conga drums jamming out, in a descarga, and the drummers lifting their heads and shaking under some kind of spell. There’s rain drums, like pitter-patter pitter-patter but a hundred times faster, and then slamming-the-door drums and dropping-the-bucket drums, then kicking-the-car- fender drums. Then circus drums, then coconuts-falling-out-of-the-trees-and- thumping-against-the-ground drums, then lion-skin drums, then the-wacking-of-a- hand-against-a-wall drums, then beating-of-a-pillow drums, heavy-stones-against-a- wall drums, then the-little-birds-learning-to-fly drums and the-big-birds-alighting-on-a- rooftop-and-fanning-their-immense-wings drums… - Oscar Hijuelos, The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love Discuss: Read the passage aloud. How does Hijuelos create the auditory imagery of drumming? In other words, how do the words imitate the sounds they represent? Hijuelos repeats the word then eight times in this passage. What does this repetition contribute to the auditory image of drumming? Apply: Write a paragraph in which you capture two different sounds at a sporting event. In your paragraph try to imitate the sounds themselves with your words. Don’t worry about correct grammar. Instead, focus on creating a vivid auditory image. Share your paragraph with a partner. Voice Lesson - Imagery
Annotation Assignment Requirements: The typed or handwritten response MUST be turned in the day of the quiz. If not turned in on that day, immediately after the quiz, you will receive half credit. Read and annotate the passage. Type or handwrite the summary: Write and define any words you do not know. There are always complex words in the passage. Don’t skip this. Write a 4-sentence rhetorical precis. Use your rhetorical precis rubric as a guide to ensure you include each component of the precis. The goal is to capture the SOAPSTone or rhetorical situation of the passage and ensure a quality understanding. After the precis, write down what you feel are the three most prominent strategies the author uses to develop his/her argument. Then, choose one of the three strategies to write a rhetorical analysis-like paragraph. Remember to cite evidence of where the strategy occurs and explain how it is used to help develop the author’s main argument. These can be any strategies that the author uses – you are not limited.
“The Week” Magazine How to log on: Go to Click on “magazine” at the top of the page Click on “subscriber logon” to the right of the page Type in my email address: Click on any of the magazine covers to open view the magazine.
Homework Continue to adjust understanding on any of the tasks we worked on today by practicing as need. Complete the annotation assignment. Choose any of the “Controversies of the Week” from The Week magazine and write a journal where you take a clear stance on one side or the other, then support it with at least three pieces of evidence. You may not use more than two weak verbs, you should use at least 3 vocabulary words (underline) and include at least 2 rhetorical devices.
Adjusting Understanding You may: Work with me on a variety of skills beginning with parts of a sentence. Ensure you fully understand all of the rhetorical devices we’ve discussed so far – including the rhetorical device log and exercises in the book. Work with a partner/small group to determine why multiple choice answers are correct/incorrect – AP MC Quiz or Albert. Work on writing either partner or individual rhetorical analysis paragraphs from JFK’s inaugural address – 4 paragraphs due Thursday. Go back and review student rhetorical analysis essay from A. Adams text – scored an 8. What did the student do? Can you identify the elements that made it successful? Review AP commentary on rhetorical analysis scoring. Examine another rhetorical analysis prompt – try to write it if you’d like. Request more challenging AP MC questions. Discuss answers choices on the tone worksheet – explain viewpoints. Adjusting Understanding