Why & How to use Rubrics in Canvas Rachael Sweeten
What Is a Rubric? “A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery.”
Why Benefits use Rubrics? Accuracy Consistency Speed Impartiality Communication Clarification use Rubrics? Accuracy—Well written rubrics will allows two Instructors to arrive at the same grade. Consistency—Helps Instructor stay focused during long grading sessions. Speed—Keeps instructor from writing the same comments and explanations over and over again. Impartiality– Removes many possible bias factors. Communication—Helps students know in advance how to prioritize criteria and how they will be graded. Clarification—Helps students understand why they received the exact grade they received.
How Started To Get Plan ahead Use a Word Doc first Go High to Low on rating numbers To Get Started Be sure a rubric matches what you really care about in assignments—or it is useless. Keep wording simple. Do not hide behind jargon or stiff language. Don’t use too many ratings.
Example Rubrics Class Participation Discussion Rubric Example WordDoc Template for Term Paper Canvas Support Template-QM Example Rubrics & Resources Page Rubrics See Sample Class Participation Rubric
Format Viewed in Canvas
Where Are Rubrics In Canvas? Course Navigation Menu Outcomes “…” button for list view assignments Are Rubrics In Canvas?
Resources Canvas Guides For Canvas What are Rubrics? How do I manage Rubrics? How do I add a rubric to an assignment? How do I Use a Rubric to Grade? Full List of Canvas Guides on Rubrics For Canvas
References Rubrics-Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation – Carnegie Mellon University https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/teach/rubrics.html SLCC Online & eLearning Services Instructure Canvas & Links