A Huge Welcome From The Reception Team Thank you for coming to find out how we teach your children in school and what you can do at home to support this. Please follow us on twitter- @MV_Reception
Daily routine Independence Sense of belonging Self Registration Talking/meeting with staff Child initiated learning Adult led learning We ask that once children are settled in, parents help their children by encouraging them to come in by themselves.
Lunches Now being served in the classroom. Main meal choices are filled in by you at home, dessert is set by day with fresh fruit available. Meals must be ordered in advance.
Learning by experience 7 Areas of learning Outdoor/Indoor Balance between adult directed and child led activities Structured play Morley Victoria Missions MV Mindsets
Areas of learning Revised EYFS Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Speaking and Listening- First important stage of Literacy News from home Circle time Focused tasks Social interaction Role play Negotiating plans Children’s interests
Phonics- The systematic teaching of letters and the sounds they make Daily phonics sessions Taught in groups at the right level and pace for your child How you can help at home- Sounds/words to learn folders- Sight words Blending for reading-sound out the words. Segmenting for spelling-breaking down the word.
Reading Individual Reading Reading scheme- corresponds with phonics sessions Morley Victoria Reading Diary High Frequency Words Decodable and Tricky, sight words and spellings. Reading at home is invaluable to help your child consolidate their learning. Sounds/words to learn at home folder in book bag.
Writing Fine and gross motor skills Making meaningful marks Pencil grip Children forming the letters correctly- very important that letters are formed correctly before habits are formed.
Examples of early writing The way children form their letters and numbers is extremely important.
Mathematics Sing counting songs and rhymes. Ask your child to help you solve everyday number problems. Count everything! Identify shapes and sizes of everyday objects. Hide a toy and use directional language to help your child find it. Recognising numerals and matching to quantities up to 20. Simple addition and subtraction problems.
Understanding the World & Expressive Arts and Design Children can explore, develop, use their curiosity and imagination to help them make sense of the world in a secure environment. Children practise skills, build up ideas and concepts. Children think creatively, imaginatively and communicate with others as they investigate and solve problems.
Physical Development Children develop their fine and gross motor skills through a variety of experiences. Children have formal P.E sessions once a week but have access to outdoor activities throughout each day. The indoor and outdoor ‘classrooms’ are organised to give children plenty of space to move around.
PSED & Investors in Pupils Empower all pupils, increase motivation and contribute to raising achievement throughout the Key Stages. Class targets. Individual targets. Mission statements.
Things to do at home Speaking. Reading. Writing. Homework. Start Learning Logs and spellings in the Autumn Term in line with other year groups throughout school.
Online Profiles at Morley Victoria More information will be given about how you can log on in the coming weeks. Situated outside the classroom are folders with your child’s work, please feel free to look at your child’s profile to follow their progress in school.
Thank you for joining us this evening! Please remember we operate an open door policy- if there is anything you need to talk to us about we are always happy to listen. If you can’t make it in to school our email addresses are: c.maybank@morleyvictoria.org.uk r.spillane@morleyvictoria.org.uk