Joanne Newton, Project Manager ‘Teaching for All’ 23 November 2016 SADC CSTL Sharing Meeting, Durban, South Africa
What is Teaching for All? An EU co-funded, three-year project aimed at improving the inclusive teaching capacity of 50% of graduating and in-service teachers in South Africa. The inclusion of students with SEN and disabilities will be foregrounded, but the approach will be intersectional with a strong focus on human rights and social justice 20% of materials to focus on enabling environment and 80% to focus on effective classroom pedagogy Main Deliverables: Research Report - State of Inclusive Education in South Africa Core modules in inclusive teaching and curriculum differentiation for BEd and PGCE programmes Policy document for inclusive teaching for SA – Standards for Inclusive Teaching and Curriculum Differentiation In-service training programme for DBE
Who is Teaching for All? Partners: British Council South Africa – lead applicant; global track record in IE MIET Africa – co-applicant; partnering within the education ecosystem, to enable policy and mitigate barriers to learning and development, towards quality teaching and learning for all; material development expertise UNISA – co-applicant; largest HEI, only HEI with IE department Department of Basic Education (DBE); associate partner Beneficiaries Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) 24 HEIs Department of Basic Education 9 PEDs Department for Social Development, South African Human Rights Commission Consultants for research, material design, advocacy, M&E (UK, SA) Stakeholders across the system EU and Other EU Projects – VVOB, CBM, UNISA, SAIDE, IESA, BRiDGE, UCT, UNW, UFS etc Who is Teaching for All?
What is Inclusive Teaching? Inclusive Education “process of increasing participation and decreasing exclusion from culture curricula and community of mainstream schools”Booth and Ainscow, 2002 Inclusive Practice “‘Inclusive practice’ is concerned with actions and activities, the things staff in schools do that give meaning to the concept of inclusion.” Florian, 2009 Inclusive Pedagogy ‘focuses on extending what is generally available to all rather than providing something different or additional to some’ Florian & Black- Hawkins, 2011 Thanks to Lani Florian, University of Edinburgh for this slide
What is Inclusive Teaching? Inclusive teaching means employing practical classroom methodology to teach all learners. All learners are different and all learners require teachers to teach inclusively. When we teach inclusively, we teach effectively and all learners benefit.
Ten approaches to Inclusive Teaching Thanks to Phil Dexter, British Council for this slide
For more information on Teaching for All, please contact: joanne For more information on Teaching for All, please contact: