EGAP – we insure Czech exports October 2017/ Ukraine
ORGANISATION OVERVIEW EGAP is organized as a private joint stock company, where ownership is held by state and has an explicit state guarantee in law about EGAP Supervisory Board – members are delegated by ministries and by employees of EGAP
New business 2010 – 2017 (in bn. CZK) * Updated plan 1 EUR = 26 CZK
Exposure by product type Current gross exposure 177 891 mil. CZK (6 816 mil. EUR) * Sept. 11th 2017
Exposure by country * Sept. 11th 2017
Exposure by country risk category (OECD) * Sept. 11th 2017
Underwriting procedure Insurance opportunity introductory meetings structuring of the transactions Preliminary assessment prescoring comprehensive transactions Final assessment assessment by underwriting department assessment by risk department approval process issuance of the documentation Business case follow up Původní popis: Insurance opportunity – introductory meetings with banks/exporters, Letter of Supports, structuring of the transactions in connection with the basic conditions of the insurance product Preliminary assessment – prescoring (assessment of the rating and limit of the borrower/guarantor), structuring of the more comprehensive transactions (typically project finance) Final assessment final assessing of the project by underwriting department – sanctions, non-financial cut-off, sustainable lending, … final assessing of the project by the risk department – to je na 120, financial cut-off, credibility of the borrower, performance risk, … approval process – approval levels (below) issuance of the documentation (preparation of the Insurance policy, Confirmation protocol and Contract on relations with the exporter) SME exporters – special procedure for Small and medium enterprises (faster analyses, shorter list of documents necessary for the risk assessment,…) SME exporters – special procedure for Small and medium enterprises (faster analyses, shorter list of documents necessary for the risk assessment,…)
Approval levels Directors of underwriting department and risk department below 100 mil. CZK ( 4 mil. EUR) Insurance Committee 100 – 500 mil. CZK (4 – 18,5 mil. EUR) Board of Directors over 500 mil. CZK (18,5 mil.EUR)
UKRAINE OECD Category: 7 Maximum country limit: c. 100 mil. EUR Available limit: c. 65 mil. EUR Specific sectors: Energy Sector, Transport Facilities, Agricultural Technologies Capital Reinforcement of Ukrainian Banks Short Term Risk for Ukrainian Companies Medium Term Risk for Strong Ukrainian Companies
Thank you for your attention EGAP, a.s. Vodičkova 34/701 111 21 Prague 1 phone.: +420 222 841 111 e-mail: