Objective lecture Recognize the Instructions For Patients Before procedure. Recognize the Instructions For Patients after procedure. List the angiography tray.
Instructions For Patients Before Angiography, Procedures 1-Tell your doctor if you are, or might be, pregnant or just had a baby. Use formula for 1-2 days after your angiogram if you are breast-feeding until the dye has passed through your body 2-Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your exam is scheduled. Most angiograms are planned for the morning hours. If your test is scheduled for later in the day, do not consume any food or drink for 4-8 hours before the test.
Instructions For Patients Before Angiography, Procedures 1-Tell your doctor if you are, or might be, pregnant or just had a baby. Use formula for 1-2 days after your angiogram if you are breast-feeding until the dye has passed through your body 2-Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your exam is scheduled. Most angiograms are planned for the morning hours. If your test is scheduled for later in the day, do not consume any food or drink for 4-8 hours before the test.
3-Ask your doctor if you are supposed to take your usual morning medications. If you have diabetes, ask if you can take insulin or oral blood sugar medications before the test. You may be asked not to take aspirin (including other products that contain aspirin) or prescription blood thinners for several days before the test. Discuss with your doctor when you can resume these medications.
4-Talk to your doctor if you have a history of asthma, kidney or bleeding problems. Special precautions may be needed if you have one of these conditions 5-Take all your medications with you to the hospital in their original bottles. This will help you remember to tell the doctor about medications you are on or are allergic to.
6-Tell the doctor if you are allergic to iodine or shellfish. Iodine dye is usually used in the cardiac catheterization test. Other possible dyes can cause a reaction in those allergic to shellfish. 7-You may need to have blood taken or an electrocardiogram done before the test. 8-You may have to remove contact lenses, eyeglasses, hair clips and jewelry before the test and change into a hospital gown.
9-Empty your bladder before the test, because it can take several hours. 10-Arrange for someone to take you home. You may be given a sedative during the angiogram procedure or immediately before it. 11-Discuss any questions or other concerns about the procedure with your doctor.
Instructions For Patients After Angiography, Procedures You must stay in the company of a responsible adult within 15 minutes of the hospital on the night following your angiogram. A responsible adult must drive you from the hospital to your accommodations. Plan to spend the night following your exam resting quietly. Any type of physical activity is discouraged. Return to normal activity the day after the angiogram. Avoid heavy lifting or strenuous labour for two to three days after your test. Eat and drink normally. Increased fluid intake is recommended.
Take all your normal medications as ordered by your doctor. You may take Tylenol or Aspirin for any pain or discomfort you may experience. If bleeding occurs where the catheter was inserted, apply direct pressure to the bleeding. Return immediately to the Emergency Department if you have difficulty in stopping the bleeding. Bring this instruction sheet with you. If your foot becomes cold, numb, or painful after discharge, return to the Emergency Department immediately. Bring this instruction sheet with you. If a complication arises and you do not know what to do, report to the Emergency Department with this instruction sheet. Patients should expect a two to six hour supervised recovery period after their procedure is completed. This is standard practice and is in the interest of patient safety and comfort.
ANGIOGRAPHIC TRAY A sterile tray contains the basic equipment necessary for a Seldinger catheterization of a femoral artery Basic sterile items include the following: 1.Hemostats 2.Prep sponges and antiseptic solution 3.Scalpel blade 4.Syringe and needle for local anesthetic 5.Basins and medicine cup 6.Sterile drapes and towels 7.Band-Aids 8.Sterile image intensifier cover
Angiographic tray