ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL RULES The Library Manuel Cardona is open from 9 am to 8 pm The Library staff is available from 9 am to 5 pm To contact the librarian please write to: or OPENING HOURS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL RULES You are not allowed to bring either drinks or food into the Library. It is also forbidden to talk, hold meetings or employ the computers for personal use. Please switch phones to silence mode.
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL HOW TO FIND THEM Books are ordered by topic and within each topic they are in alphabetical order. Each book has a label on its spine with the code number that gives its location within the Library (e.g. 548CRY). The topic codes are those of the UDC, Universal Decimal Classification. Books that cannot be borrowed are: reference works, handbooks, encyclopaedias... BOOKS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL HOW TO RETURN BOOKS Books that are on loan must be returned to Library staff. If they are left on the trolley they will not be considered as returned and they will still be considered on loan in the user’s name. Users are responsible for looking after the books that are on loan and are asked not to reloan books to another person. Books that are consulted inside the Library should not be put back on the shelves, but should be left on the trolley in the room. BOOKS
BOOKS TUTORIAL BIBLIOTECA HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO BORROW A BOOK? Books listed in the CSIC catalogue are free. They can be found in the catalog of Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC. To see the list of books at the ICMAB Library, filter the search with the MT code. If a book is ordered from another library, a charge will be made according to the rates established by the REBIUN (University Library Network) to ICMAB. BOOKS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL HOW TO FIND THEM Journals are in alphabetical order. The most recent are on the shelves and the last issue of each title is on the display stand. Editions from previous years are located in the cupboards. JOURNALS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL HOW TO FIND THEM If you do not find the journal that you are looking for, either in our own collection or in the CSIC electronic journals, you may request the article that you need from the Inter-Library Lending Service How to request and article? Click on “Solicitud de documentos” on the Library Website. This link will connect you to the CSIC catalogue. Enter your user number and password, which are your credentials of the CSIC intranet. In order to use this service you must previously have registered as a user. JOURNALS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL HOW MUCH DOES AN ARTICLE COST? Articles found in CSIC libraries are free. If the articles are requested from other national or foreign libraries there is a cost according to established rates. JOURNALS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL PERSONAL LENDING As a user you can borrow Library books by presenting the blue card found in the book to the Library staff. If you borrow a book outside the Library opening hours, leave the card with your details in mailbox nº 56. LENDING
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS The aim of this service is to provide documents (articles or books) that are not found in the Institute Library. The Library will handle requests by users requiring documents from other libraries within the CSIC Network (this service is free) or from other libraries: universities, hospitals, etc. LENDING
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS. WHAT YOU CAN REQUEST Journal articles (pdf or photocopies). Book chapters or papers from conferences (however, a whole book or a large parts of it can never be photocopied) (pdf or photocopies). Books on loan. LENDING
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL INTERLIBRALY LOANS HOW DO I REQUEST DOCUMENTS? You have to register as a library user. You have to log on to catálogo de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC and, afterwards, provide your CSIC user number and password, which are your credentials of the CSIC intranet. LENDING
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL WHAT IS THE VIRTUAL LIBRARY? The Virtual Library is a unified access service to all of the electronic information resources that are available within the CSIC: Biblioteca virtual del CSIC. VIRTUAL LIBRARY
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL WHAT IS THE VIRTUAL LIBRARY? With this service you can: ▪ Search for documents in the CSIC Library Network catalogue. ▪ Search for electronic journals and access the whole text of an article. ▪ Find both free electronic resources and those that are subject to payment. ▪ Carry out searches in electronic resources (data bases, electronic journals, catalogues, subject portals on the Internet, etc.). ▪ Carry out simultaneous searches in different resources ▪ Find patents. ▪ Request interlibrary loans of documents directly from the computer interface. VIRTUAL LIBRARY
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS You can access the electronic resources that the center subscribes from an external computer, through the PAPI service, with the credentials of the CSIC intranet: PAPI Or also through the ICMAB VPN or the CSIC VPN: ICMAB VPN CSIC VPN LINKS
ICMAB LIBRARY TUTORIAL THANKS! If you have any queries, please get in touch with the librarian Alejandro Santos.