Department of Peacekeeping Operations UNITED NATIONS Department of Peacekeeping Operations Rapid Deployment Level of the Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System Your Excellency Mr. Hasan Kleib, Director General for Multilateral Affairs, Distinguished representatives from various ministries, General officers, Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. First of all allow me to express my sincere thanks to the Government of Indonesia for inviting me to this beautiful and historic city of Bandung and providing an opportunity to interact with this august gathering on the new readiness system of the United Nations. At the outset let me express my appreciation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in leading the discussion on the new readiness system. Let me admit that the new system is still evolving hence we would really appreciate your comments and critics so that it can be institutionalized for better results. In next 20 minutes or so I will make an effort to explain to this august gathering the background and specifics related to the new system. Presentation to the Rapid Deployment Workshop New York, NY 30 – 31 March 2017 Adam Smith Strategic Force Generation and Capability Planning Cell, OMA-DPET/DPKO-DFS
Vanguard Brigade Structure Commander Deputy Brigade Commander Advisory & Coordinating Staff Chief of Staff MilOb TEAMS U – 1 PER U – 2 INTEL U – 3 OPS U – 4 LOG U – 5 PLANS U – 6 COMM U – 7 TRG U – 8 ENG U – 9 CIMIC Infantry Battalion (x 3) Logistics Battalion HQ Support/ Force Protection Company Special Forces Company Engineers Company Signals Company Attack Helicopter Unit Medium Utility Helicopter Unit Medical Level 2 2
Vanguard Brigade Structure Commander Deputy Brigade Commander Advisory & Coordinating Staff Chief of Staff MilOb TEAMS U – 1 PER U – 2 INTEL U – 3 OPS U – 4 LOG U – 5 PLANS U – 6 COMM U – 7 TRG U – 8 ENG U – 9 CIMIC Infantry Battalion Nepal Logistics Battalion Pakistan HQ Support/ Force Protection Coy SF Company Nepal Engineering Coy India Signals Coy Bangladesh Pakistan Attack Helicopter Unit India (TBC) Medium Utility Helicopter Unit FPUs: 2 x India 1 x China Medical Level 2 Bangladesh 3
PCRS-RDL Requirements Requirements of TCCs with units pledged to the RDL All equipment and personnel will be ready for deployment within 60 days of UN request Unit personnel have already received pre-deployment training Each TCC has five staff officers nominated and prepared for FHQ TCC submits to Rapid Deployment verification visit TCC does not have significant caveats related to potential deployments TCC will be able to self-sustain for initial period of time 4