Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management (CRM) CHAPTER 19 Marketing Lamb, Hair, McDaniel 9 Designed by Eric Brengle B-books, Ltd. Prepared by Deborah Baker Texas Christian University
Learning Outcomes LOI LO2 LO3 LO4 Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Learning Outcomes Define customer relationship management Explain how to establish customer relationships within the organization Understand interactions with the current customer base Outline the process of capturing customer data LOI LO2 LO3 LO4
Learning Outcomes LO5 LO6 LO7 Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Learning Outcomes LO5 Describe the use of technology to store and integrate customer data Describe how to identify the best customers Explain the process of leveraging customer information throughout the organization LO6 LO7
What Is Customer Relationship Management? Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management What Is Customer Relationship Management? LOI Define customer relationship management Today, information technology links marketing and its functional counterparts, making it possible for all functions to have access to the same valuable market information. Marketers respond to customer demands, and technology has enabled rapid response. Through technology, companies have been able to attract consumers, and it is the successful interaction of all business functions that keep customers returning to these companies as loyal and repeat users.
Customer Relationship Management Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management LOI A company-wide business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue, and customer satisfaction by focusing on highly defined and precise customer groups. Customer Relationship Management Notes: Customer relationship management is the ultimate goal of a new trend in marketing that focuses on understanding customers as individuals. What customers want today is recognition, convenience, information, helpfulness, and excellent service every time they interact with a company. A CRM system helps businesses acquire, retain, and grow customers in ways that would not be possible without it. Information is maintained about the customer groups, then the information is used to increase customer service and satisfaction.
Customer Relationship Management Strategy Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LOI Link all processes of the company from its customers through its suppliers Foster customer-satisfying behaviors Encourage and track customer interaction with the company Organize the company around customer segments Online ERP Software Investigate the kinds of software available to power CRM efforts. One site that contains a sizable list with new items added every month is CRM Download. Review some of the software descriptions and select the one you think would be best suited for, say, Starbucks, and another that would work better for a car manufacturer like General Motors. Notes: CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue, and customer satisfaction by focusing on highly defined customer groups. This is accomplished by the points shown above. The difference between CRM and traditional mass marketing can be compared to shooting a rifle and a shotgun. A rifle is the most efficient, if you have good aim. This is the CRM approach. A shotgun increases your odds of hitting the target when it is more difficult to focus. This is the mass marketing approach. Online
Customer Relationship Management Cycle Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management Cycle LOI Identify customer relationships Store and integrate customer data using IT Capture customer data based on interactions Identify best customers Understand interactions with current customer base Leverage customer information Notes: While CRM appears to be a simplistic customer service strategy, it is only a small part of an integrated, holistic approach to building customer relationships. CRM is described as a closed-looped system that builds relationships with customers. Exhibit 19.1 illustrates this closed-loop system, one that is continuous and circular with no defined starting or end point. The CRM cycle is initiated by identifying customer relationships within the organization. Once the company identifies its customers and its particular products, it then determines the interaction each customer has with the company. Information gathered includes demographics, purchase frequency and amount, and distance driven to purchase. Based on knowledge of the customer and his/her interaction with the company, the company can then acquire and capture all relevant information about the customer, including date of the last communication with the customer, how often the customer makes purchases, and whether the customer redeemed coupons sent through direct mail. Technology plays a critical part in a CRM system which uses technology to store and integrate customer data. Not all customers are equally important to a business. Consequently, the company uses data mining to determine its profitable and unprofitable customer segments. Once the customer data are analyzed, they are leveraged. Data re transformed into information and disseminated throughout the organization—to the right person in the right place at the right time.
Implementing a CRM System Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Implementing a CRM System Key Points: Customers take center stage Business must manage the customer relationship across all points of customer contact LOI
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Customer Relationship Management Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Customer Relationship Management LOI
Identify Customer Relationships Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identify Customer Relationships LO2 Explain how to establish customer relationships within the organization
Identify Customer Relationships Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identify Customer Relationships LO2 Customer-Centric The company customizes its product and service offering based on data generated through interactions between the customer and the company. Notes: Customer-centric is an internal management philosophy similar to the marketing concept. The company customizes its product and service offerings based on data generated through interactions with company and customer. This philosophy transcends all functional areas of the business producing an internal system where all company decisions are based on customer information.
Identify Customer Relationships Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identify Customer Relationships LO2 Learning An informal process of collecting customer data through customer comments and feedback on product or service performance. Notes: A customer-centric company learns from customers about ways to enhance its product and service offerings.
Identify Customer Relationships Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identify Customer Relationships LO2 Knowledge Management The process by which learned information from customers is centralized and shared in order to enhance the relationship between customers and the organization.
Experiential observations Collected Information Includes: Knowledge Management Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO2 Qualitative facts Customer actions Comments Experiential observations Collected Information Includes: Notes: 1. Collected information is from sources shown above.
Empowerment LO2 Empowerment Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Empowerment LO2 Empowerment Delegation of authority to solve customers’ problems quickly—usually by the first person that the customer notifies regarding the problem. Notes: The success of CRM can be measured by the effectiveness of the interaction between the customer and the organization. The more empowerment a company gives its representatives, the more likely the interaction will conclude in a way that satisfies the customer. When a customer and a company representative exchange information and develop learning relationships, it is called an interaction. With CRM, the customer, and not the organization, defines the terms of the interaction. The organization responds by designing products and services around customers’ desired experiences.
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Identifying Customer Relationships Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Identifying Customer Relationships LO2
Interactions of the Current Customer Base Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Interactions of the Current Customer Base LO3 Understand interactions with the current customer base
Interactions of the Current Customer Base Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Interactions of the Current Customer Base LO3 Requested Service Channel Past Relationship Current transaction Customer Notes: Exhibit 19.2 illustrates the customer-centric approach for managing customer interactions. An interaction can occur through a formal or direct communication channel, and through a current transaction or previous relationship the customer has had.
Interactions of the Current Customer Base Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Interactions of the Current Customer Base LO3 Touch Points All possible areas of a business where customers communicate with that business. Point-of-Sale Interactions Communications between customers and organizations that occur at the point of sale, normally in a store. Online: Best Buy What evidence do you see on Best Buy’s Web site of the company’s behind-the-scenes CRM program? How many touch points can you identify at Notes: In a CRM system, touch points are those areas of a business where customer data are gathered and used to guide and direct the decision making within that business unit. Through interactions, organizations learn about the expectations of customers, generate and manage knowledge about them, negotiate mutually satisfying commitments, and build long-term relationships. Interactions can be Web-based, as well as point-of-sale. Online
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Interactions with Current Customer Base Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Interactions with Current Customer Base LO3 Web Point of Sale Kiosk Delivery, Installation Survey Product Registration Customer Notes: Touch points are all areas of a business where customers have contact with the company and data might be gathered. Data gathered at each of these external touch points provides information that affect touch points inside the company.
Outline the process of capturing customer data Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Capture Customer Data LO4 Outline the process of capturing customer data
Capture Customer Data LO4 Store visits Conversations with salespeople Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Capture Customer Data Store visits Conversations with salespeople Interactions via the Web Traditional phone conversations Wireless communications Online GEICO Insurance How comfortable are you completing the information form for an online rate quote at GEICO Insurance? Would you be more comfortable talking with a representative on the phone? How effective is the Web as a channel for this type of customer interaction? Notes: The traditional approach for acquiring data from customers is through channel interactions, such as the ways shown on this slide. Large amounts of data are collected through various touch points, and creates a question of who owns these data—the customer or the company. Online LO4
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Capturing Customer Data Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Capturing Customer Data LO4
Store and Integrate Customer Data Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Store and Integrate Customer Data LO5 Describe the use of technology to store and integrate customer data
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Store and Integrate Customer Data Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Store and Integrate Customer Data LO5 Database Compiled list Response list Data Warehouse :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes: A data warehouse is a central repository of customer data collected by an organization. The core of the data warehouse is the database. The CRM database focuses on collecting information and purchasing habits on consumers. When a company builds the database, the first step is to develop a: Response list—based on customers who have indicated interest in a product or a Compiled list—created by an outside company that has collected names and contact information for potential customers
Identifying the Best Customers Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identifying the Best Customers LO6 Describe how to identify the best customers
Identifying the Best Customers Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Identifying the Best Customers LO6 Data Mining A data analysis procedure that identifies significant patterns of variables and characteristics that pertain to particular customers or customer groups.
Data Mining LO6 Identify and profile the best customers Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Data Mining Identify and profile the best customers Calculate their lifetime value Predict purchasing behavior Notes: Data mining builds models to answer questions by using existing information from a data warehouse to predict future customer behavior. The usefulness of data mining extends beyond its ability to create a mailing list. It is used to identify the best customers, and calculate their lifetime value, while predicting their purchasing behavior. LO6
Data Analysis LO6 Customer segmentation Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO6 Predictive modeling Lifetime value analysis Recency-frequency-monetary analysis Customer segmentation Notes: Before the data mining information is leveraged, several types of analysis are often run on the data. These are listed on this slide and described on the following slides.
Recency-Frequency-Monetary Analysis Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO6 Identifies customers mostly like to purchase again Identifies and ranks “best customers” Identifies most profitable customers
Casino Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO6 Biz Flix
Data Manipulation Techniques Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO6 Lifetime Value Analysis Predictive Modeling A data manipulation technique that projects the future value of the customer over a period of years. A data manipulation technique in which marketers try to determine what the odds are that some other occurrence will take place in the future.
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Identify the Best Customers Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Identify the Best Customers LO6
Leverage Customer Information Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Leverage Customer Information LO7 Explain the process of leveraging customer information throughout the organization
CRM Marketing Database Applications Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management CRM Marketing Database Applications Campaign management Retain loyal customers Cross-selling other products and services Designing targeted marketing communications Reinforcing customer purchase decisions Inducing product trial by new customers Increasing effectiveness of distribution channel marketing Improving customer service Notes: Exhibit 19.3 lists some common CRM marketing database applications. LO7
Campaign Management LO7 Campaign Management Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Campaign Management LO7 Campaign Management Developing product or service offerings customized for the appropriate customer segment and then pricing and communicating these offerings for the purpose of enhancing customer relationships.
Campaign Management LO7 Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Campaign Management Communicating offerings in a way that enhances customer relationships Developing customized offerings for appropriate segment Pricing these offerings attractively LO7
Retaining Loyal Customers Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO7 Retaining an additional 5 percent of customers increases profits by as much as 25 percent Improving customer retention by 2 percent can decrease costs by as much as 10 percent Loyalty programs reward loyal customers for making multiple purchases Notes: If a company has identified its best customers, effort should be made to maintain and increase their loyalty. As shown here, customer retention can have a dramatic effect on a company’s profitability, while in turn continue to reward loyal customers. Loyalty programs provide information about customers and trends
Targeted Marketing Communications Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Targeted Marketing Communications LO7 Infrequent Users Moderate Users Heavy Users Offer direct incentives, such as a price discount Offer more reinforcement of past purchase decisions Design around loyalty and reinforcement of purchase Notes: Using transaction and purchase data, customers can be segmented into infrequent, moderate, and heavy users. Communications programs for each segment are designed to encourage customer purchases and loyalty.
Increasing Effectiveness of Distribution Channel Marketing Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management LO7 CRM Databases RFID technology Multichannel Marketing Online KidsDadsMoms10 Would you be comfortable building a profile about your child at Why or why not? What are the advantages of giving complete information? Are there any disadvantages? Can you use their highly customized site without building a learning profile for a child? Notes: With CRM databases, manufacturers have a tool to gain insight into the customers who are buying their products. It is also possible to track purchases made online and in brick-and-mortar stores. This concept is called multichannel marketing. Companies are also using RFID technology (radio-frequency-identification technology) to improve distribution. Online
REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Leveraging Customer Information Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Leveraging Customer Information LO7 Campaign management Retaining loyal customers Cross-selling other products Designing targeted marketing communications Reinforcing purchase decisions Inducing product trial by new customers Increasing effectiveness of distribution channel marketing Improving customer service Marketing Information CRM Database Applications