Marketing Cows for Profit. Represent 15-20% of Cow-calf income Marketing Cows for Profit Represent 15-20% of Cow-calf income Prices are seasonal Cow Body condition affects price Markets are cyclical Opportunities exist to increase income
Seasonal Cow Prices (1989-1998)
Cull Cow Marketing Consider:. Feeding Young Cows in Feedlot Cull Cow Marketing Consider: Feeding Young Cows in Feedlot Overwintering cull cows on roughage Early weaning at 3 months(creep feed)
Cow Price as a % of Fed Steer Price
Cow Price as % of Fed Steer Price Twenty Year Average=63 Cow Price as % of Fed Steer Price Twenty Year Average=63.5% Range of 73%(1975) to 52%(1996) Variation due to lower values of trimmings along with Chuck and Round
Cow Price as % of Fed Steer Price Next 2-3 Years Expect: Cow Price as % of Fed Steer Price Next 2-3 Years Expect: 65-67% of fed steer price $3-4/cwt per year
Opportunity for higher cow prices with rising fed cattle prices Opportunity for higher cow prices with rising fed cattle prices. Presents the opportunity to: Cull older cows Replace cows with heifer with less $ added to price Build inventory for times of high price for cows