Declaration 1: Land We proclaim that Malaysia is a good and spacious land, A land where people live to the fullness of their age; A land where people do not labour in vain, A land where people will eat of what they have invested, A land where people enjoy what they have built.
Declaration 2: People We proclaim that the people of Malaysia will be the head and not the tail, A people known for their wisdom and understanding, A people of blessing, fruitfulness and of abundance.
Declaration 3: Country We proclaim that the Jubilee blessings of redemption, rest, restoration be upon the nation of Malaysia, That Malaysia will be a prosperous nation where people of many nations will flock to her cities, That Malaysia will called blessed by God because her justice, righteousness and truth.
Declaration 4: Final On this day, September 16, 2012, we the Church declare and proclaim the Lord’s Jubilee upon Malaysia and seal these declarations in the Name of our matchless and most glorious Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ!