Reporting 33. Save Management Reporter with a save warning. Quick tip for MR, unlike FRX it will not always warn you to save changes when logining out, there is a Tick box under tools options which alows you to set MR to warn you. The tick box is " Display confirmation before exiting Management reporter“.
Reporting 34. Sort Management Reporter drilldown for better clarity. Sorting in Management Reporter 2012 Here’s sort of a hidden setting that I think almost everyone should know about. It impacts how your accounts sort when you drill down. I’ve drilled down on Operating Expense Notice these accounts are sorting by segment 1 which happens to be department in this database. But I want my drilldown to sort by the natural account and definitely not by the department as shown here. By default, Management Reporter sorts accounts by segment 1, whether or not it’s the natural account. So this can drive you crazy if you don’t know about the setting I’m about to show you. The ‘Sort by Natural’ checkbox is buried on the Account & Transaction Detail tab I think it should be checked on by default. But it’s not. But here’s where it is: In the report definition >Settings tab >Other button > Account & Transaction Detail tab > check ‘Sort by natural or main segment’.
Reporting 35. Find transactions in SmartLists with debit or credit amounts. Find Debit or Credit Amount Sometimes you need to find a particular amount that could be either a debit or credit. Maybe it’s a rogue transaction or a posted amount that went to a wrong account and you just can’t find it. Well, this is easy to do with a SmartList. All you have to do is: Open up the default Financial | Account Transactions SmartList Open the Search window Set Debit Amount equal to the amounts your looking for. Repeat this with Credit Amount Set the Search Type to Match 1 or More. This is an “or” setting meaning that it will find transactions where Debit Amount or Credit Amount equals the amount entered. Further refine the search limiting it to certain accounts or dates
Reporting 36. Find information using any field on a SmartList. SmartList - Any Field SmartList contains an item in the Column Name section of the Search Box labeled Any Field. When searching a SmartList Any Field does just what you expect. It search any field in the SmartList for the value you input. For example, using Any Field begins with cen in the Fabrikam Sales Order Invoice will return any fields whose value start with “Cen” There can be some problems with this though. A bug in some versions of GP prevents this from working right. Even in GP 2010, I’ve seen errors where the search generates errors trying to convert a field to search it. It’s not perfect but that doesn’t mean that it’s not useful.
Reporting 37. Improve reporting with account numbers in SmartList Builder. Smartlist Builder & Account Numbers When using SmartList Builder and linking to transaction distributions you will find that the table includes a field for the Account Index, not the Account Number. Many people assume you need to link in the Account Master and/or the Account Index Master table to get the full account number in a string format. That is not needed. When in SmartList Builder and you are using a table that includes the Account Index field (a numeric value which is the primary key for that Account Number), click on the Blue Arrow which is in the column header to the right of the column header Display Name. This will open the Set Field Options window. Select the Account Index – Show Account Number option. That’s it! Now you will get the account number instead of the index and you just saved yourself from having to link unnecessary tables.
Reporting 38. Get quick reports by easily saving to My Reports. Did you know that you can add SmartList Favorites to your My Reports list in GP 2010 & 2013? Here’s how easy it is to do… Create a SmartList. Click the Favorites button. Give your SmartList a Name. Make the SmartList Visible To User ID. Click the Add button and select Add favorite. That’s it! Your new SmartList favorite is now included in your My Reports list! The important thing to remember here is that since the My Reports list is specific to an individual user, the SmartList must also be specific to that user.
Reporting 39. Increase reporting flexibility with SSRS reports in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. SSRS Reports in Dynamics GP 2013 This feature allows customer to print SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports directly from a GP form. The user may select to print SSRS reports from various forms across General Ledger, Receivables Management, Sales Order Processing, Payables Management, Inventory Management, Human Resources, and Payroll. Users can simply select to print a SSRS report assigned t a the GP Form and the report will render information based on the record retrieved on the form. Customer can print the reports Dynamics GP ships or they can create their own custom SSRS reports to print.
Reporting 40. Control printing with new printer selection functionality in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. New Printer Selection Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 you now have the flexibility to select the printer you want to print to at the time of printing. Select a printer for your balance sheet, select another printer for printing checks, and another for invoices. It’s such a simple feature but makes life so much easier in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013.
Reporting 41. Get to the transaction by drilling down from Excel. Excel Drill Back to GP Dynamics GP provides an option to drill back into the application via a special hyperlink. So you can drill back into Dynamics GP data from Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Reporting Services, a web page, SharePoint, etc. You do have to have Dynamics GP open and the logged in user has to have access to the window you are drilling back to. To drill back, you need to setup a hyperlink in Excel. Here is a quick example: You want to open the item inquiry window from an Excel file. You have an Excel file with item number ACCS-HDS-1EAR in cell A2. Add a formula in cell C2 to do the lookup. It looks like this: ="dgpp://DynamicsGPDrillBack/?DatabaseInstance=&ServerName=mpolino2011&CompanyID=TWO&ProductID=0&ActionType=OPEN&FunctionName =OpenItemNumber&ITEMNMBR="&A2&"&LOCNCODE=WAREHOUSE&CallerID=0&FocusWindow=true“ Need help, contact Boyer & Associates. .
Reporting 42. Go beyond reporting with Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer. Business Analyzer in GP 2010 R2 The Business Analyzer reporting tool became available to all current customers beginning with GP 2010 R2. Business Analyzer enables end users to view important information about customers, vendors, items, etc. from the navigation lists within Dynamics GP. This reporting application not only allows each user to access reports from their desktop, but also allows them to take actions on the reports and easily share information with others. The application installs with default reports for each list, however users easily make edits to the default reports or create their own personalized reports using SQL Server Reporting Services Check out these links to find out more about Business Analyzer: .
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