By Moises Nunez 1960S Movements
America In the 9860s the America was full of racism and racial thoughts about and towards black people. White men thought as black people outsiders and lower class man. Although people went to America for freedom and peace it was always the opposite. Even though there was so much racism and cruel minds during the 1960s there were also people such as African Americans who fought for their rights and wanted to be equal and be treated the same way others were treated.
White American plan White people with their racial ways and their comments they always wanted to stay up on top of everyone, that was Asians, and Africans, Europeans, Latin whatever race they were Americans wanted to stay on top. Americans tried so hard ands so deliberately to keep African American under their feet and under their control. They tortured them separated them from their community and segregated them as much they could. And yet they failed.
African American Goal The African Americans Goal was to gain their freedom and their civil rights. And so they needed a leader, one of those leaders was Martin Luther King Jr. He used the act of boycott and nonviolence methods to get some rights and through out the years and decades there were other African American inspirations such as Malcom X. Malcom X used the method of showing violence to get their own rights and respect. Although in the end African Americans won every right they could possibly gain by Americans. Many lives were lost beaten imprisoned and harassed but yet the African Americans won their rights.
What I Think.
I agree with these goals if this would have never happened then the United states would never be free of religion and race. Now in days everyone is equal and gets equal rights and liberty. Racism has come a long way and now if anyone is racist its considered to be something no agrees with.