Theme in Gatsby Good morning! Please get out your Gatsby book Turn to wherever you take notes.
Brainstorm Key Words/Phrases: What is Gatsby about? Love Infidelity The American Dream Greed Money Getting what you want The past Dishonesty Broken relationships False popularity Karma Fairness timing Time Symbolism Goodness/evil Morality True love Having enough Jealousy
Definition from Elements of Fiction “The theme of a piece of literature is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story. To derive the theme of a story, we must ask what its central purpose is: what view of life it supports or what insight into life it reveals.” (90)
Theme or Thematic Message: Repeated idea or topic that is suggested throughout the book. A complete sentence, not a word or phrase (a word or phrase would be a subject). May be a message, moral, complex/deep idea. Not usually too obvious or shallow. Must take into account and fit the entire piece of literature. Not too specific, not too general (no clichés)
When writing a theme: Should be a complex or longer sentence 3rd person, present tense, no “always” Must be accurate to story (can support with text, NOT with your own life experience) Should apply to the book, but also to people in general, humanity, society, etc. Should not refer to any specific characters or events in the book, but… The connection to the book should be evident Ask yourself: what is the book’s message about _____ (keyword)?
Balance between universal and specific: Too universal Too specific Gatsby is happier before he realizes the truth about Daisy Ignorance is bliss You want your theme statements to be right here, in the middle. Specific enough to apply clearly to the book, but not so specific that they ONLY apply to the book and are not universal.
Some examples (not from Gatsby) When people try to find their identity by fitting in with society’s stereotypes, it limits their individuality. When people try find their identity by fighting against society’s stereotypes, it limits their individuality just as much. When a person immerses himself in an institution, he loses his own identity. A person can find his identity by immersing himself in a larger institution. Feeling invisible makes a person powerless.
Your task: Together with your partner, use the keywords we came up with as a class to create as many excellent theme statements as you can. Make sure your statements are: Complex, deep, interesting, and accurate 3rd person, present tense, well-crafted Well-balanced between universal and specific To get more specific, ask yourself: Who? When? How? Why? A good way to make your theme statements complex? Use 2 key words for the statement. Much more interesting (What is the book’s message about how love and power interact?) Please don’t use too many.