HABITAT The Pleasiadapis lived in woodlands of North America and Western Europe.
APPEARANCE Plesiadapis was a small lemur like animal with a bushy tail and small eyes. It was several shades of brown, orange, and gray. It had lots of stripes.
SIZE AND WEIGHT 1 foot 2 feet Plesiadapis weighed 5 pounds and was 2 feet long.
DIET The Plisiadapis diet was leves and berrys.
MOTION Plesiadapis walked on all four feet.
ANCESTORS/DESCENDENTS Pleseadapis decendents are monkeys, apes, and man!
PREDATORS Plesiadapis predators were Smiladons and other tree- dwelling cats.
LIFE SPAN 20 6 The Plesiadapis adverige life span is 6-20.