Respiratory system is responsible for oxygen supply of cells and tissues It includes conducting portion Nasal cavity Nasopharynx Larynx Tracheo-bronchial tree And respiratory portion Pulmonary alveoli
Respiratory type epithelium – pseudostratified ciliated Ciliated cells Goblet cells Basal cells Specialized olfactory area Olfactory cells (modified bipolar neurons) with knobs (olfactory vesicles) and hair-like processes (olfactory cilia) Supporting (sustentacular) cells
Tracheo-bronchial epithelium Ciliated cells (30%) Goblet cells (30%) Basall cells (30%) Brush border cells (3%) Diffuse neuroendocrine (APUD) cells (3%) Serous cells (4%)
Bronchiolar epithelium Ciliated cells Clara cells Basal cells
Alveolar epithelium Pneumocytes type I (respiratory) Pneumocytes type II (secretory) Alveolar macrophages Respiratory barrier