SEMANTIC ROLES Lets study together
Semantic Roles Analyzing simple declarative sentence, there are two major semantic roles; The role of Predicator (played by predicates) The role of argument (played by referring expression) Example: Achmad speaks English. Achmad and English are the arguments Speaks is the predicator
Definition The predicator is the word (or a group of words) which does not belong to any of the referring meaning of the sentence. A predicate is any word which can function as the predicator of a sentence. Example; Marcus Brutus killed Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus and Julius Caesar are the referring expressions, the roles are as the argument Killed is the predicate, the role is as the predicator
The verb exist can be a predicator, but in English the verb “be” in its various forms is not a predicator The predicators in sentences can be of various parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, and nouns). Example; Margaret was unhappy. The role of Margaret is as the argument The role of Unhappy is as the predicator The role of was is non predicator
The Degree of predicate There are different degree of predicate: Examples: 1. They scream loudly Scream is a predicate of degree one (one place predicate) 2. We watch TV together. Watch is a predicate of degree two ( a two place predicate) 3. John gives Mary a bouquet of roses. Give is a third place predicate
Sometimes two predicates can have nearly, if not exactly, the same sense but be of different grammatical part of speech Example: Jack is foolish, Jack is a fool Foolish and fool are predicate Foolish is an adjective Fool is a noun Both have different part of speech
Exercises 1. Determine the semantic role: A. The child is afraid of cats. B. The lamp is over the table. C. The new campus is outside the city. 2. Determine the degree of predicate: A. The students build the green house. B. The supermarket is between the park and the gas station. C. Mrs. Azizah is a sister of the mayor.
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