Parliamentary Procedure Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Running Efficient Meetings with a Cooperative Assembly By: Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP "Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." Henry M. Robert Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Overview Definition of Parliamentary Procedure Principles of Parliamentary Procedure How and When to Use Parliamentary Procedure Order of Business and Agendas Motions Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP What is parliamentary procedure? What are its Parliamentary procedure is defined as a “set of What is rules used to facilitate the transaction of business and to promote cooperation and parliamentary harmony among members.” Also known as "parliamentary law." procedure? There are five basic principles of parliamentary procedure: What are its Order Equality fundamental Justice Minority Rights principles? Rule of the Majority Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP More parliamentary procedure terms: Parliamentary Authority More (n.) set of rules that a group parliamentary adopts as the rules that will govern them. procedure Bylaws terms: (n.) set of rules and regulations that govern the organization; often has a portion that states the organization's adopted parliamentary authority Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Why do we How do we use use parliamentary parliamentary procedure? Parliamentary procedure is used to: The use of parliamentary procedure varies by the meeting and organization. Facilitate the transaction of business Generally, formalities are required when Ensure that members have equal the membership is high and/or when rights issues are very divided. However, it is Protects “minority” members with always good to obey the principles of rights parliamentary procedure, follow an Maintaining the will of the majority agenda and order of business, and Promote cooperation and harmony make and handle motions. Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Rights of Members* Responsibilities of Members Be properly notified of meetings Rights of Have the meeting start on time, not before Members* Attend meetings Propose motions *Rights may be taken away through Participate in debate disciplinary procedures Vote Serve on committees Seek nomination Share in organizations activities Arrive on time and remain until adjournment; Responsibilities Attend and to be prepared to participate. of Contribute ideas with properly phrased motions and intelligent debate. Members Observe proper decorum during meetings and in debate. Respect and adhere to the legitimate orders of the chair. Vote and Accept the decision of the majority. Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Order of Business & Agendas Order of Business (N.) an established sequence of items to be considered at a meeting of an organization Agenda (N.) an established sequence similar to an order of business that often contains more detailed topics Using an agenda or order of business will organize what is being discussed ahead of time and when it will be discussed. Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Motions 101 Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Understanding the basic units of parliamentary procedure Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Motion = Proposal to the Assembly Main Motion = proposal that "I move to donate for ABC organization to stands by itself and introduces donate $500 to XYZ." business to the assembly Subsidiary Motion = proposal "I move to amend the main motion by striking that modifies the main motion or out $500 and inserting $100" the procedures in processing the main motion, such as modifying debate limits "I move to take a recess until 5 p.m." Privileged Motion = proposal that deals with the privileges of the assembly or an individual Incidental Motion = proposal "Point of information...How much did we that questions the procedures of donate to XYZ last year?" other motions (not necessarily the main motion) Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP The Easy Eight Steps in Handling a Motion 1. Member Seeks Recognition 2. Chair Addresses the Member 3. Another member Seconds the Motion 4. Chair States the Motion 5. Members Debate 6. Chair Puts the Motion 7. Members Vote 8. Chair Announces the Result Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP Ranking Motions Analogy Concept #1: Higher ranking motions can be Make motions from low to high moved at any time after lower ranking motions are moved. Concept #2: A lower ranking motion can only be moved after the higher ranking motion is disposed of -- through a vote Dispose motions from high to low (passed/lost) and/or adopted postponement. Tip: Keep track of motions by writing them down. Check or cross them off when they are voted on. Analogy Recall the Stacking Toy Game (a toy where you stack rings on top of one another.) A ring can only be on top of another ring if it is smaller, meaning if one wants to stack a smaller ring, one would have to get rid of the bigger ring(s) currently on top. Not every ring has to be stacked. Now imagine that a smaller ring is a higher- ranked motion and a bigger ring is a lower-ranked one. Stacking a ring is equivalent to making the motion, and taking the ring off is equivalent to disposing the motion. Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP "Ifthestudenthasoncefixedinhismindthe ideathatparliamentarylawisnotaseriesof arbitraryrules--butaplain, consistent system, foundedoncommonsense, and sanctionedbytheexperienceofmankind-- hewillhavegonefartowardunderstanding it." Thomas B. Reed, U.S. Houseof Representatives Shannon Sun, PRP, CPP
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