7/30/2018 DRAFT School Site Council (SSC) Essentials in brief An overview of SSC roles and responsibilities: San Juan Unified School District Practices Prepared and Presented by Wanda Chang Shironaka San Juan Unified School District Adapted from SCUSD State and Federal Programs Wanda Shironaka updated 8.10.16
Workshop Overview Legislative Intent San Juan USD SSC Policy and Practices General function of SSCs SSC Responsibilities SSC Composition Member Roles and Responsibilities SJUSD Practices for all schools English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) SSC Support
SSC Legislative Intent Key principles: Education is a joint effort Key stakeholders should have input Use of supplemental resources should focus on increasing student achievement Funds should be used cohesively and according to legislative purpose (Plan) Monitoring of results (data)
San Juan USD SSC Policy and Practices San Juan Unified School District (SJUSD) schools receiving federal and state funds shall have a legally constituted School Site Council (SSC) Schools share and dialogue with SSC members the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP); LCAP action items shall be approved by the SSC members per SJUSD practice. Review Goals 1 and 2 Review District focus areas School plan to improve and increase student achievement Per EC Section 52062, specific actions included in the LCAP, or the annual update of the LCAP, must be consistent with the strategies included in the school plans submitted pursuant to EC Section 64001.
General Function To serve as the school community’s representative body for determining the focus of the school’s academic instructional program and all related state and federal resources. California Education Code 52852
SSC Responsibility Participate in the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and evaluate the effectiveness of programs by monitoring the use of Title I, Title III, and other supplemental funding, LCFF, available to the school site. California Education Code 64001
SSC Composition At the elementary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel; and (b) parents or other community members selected by parents. At both the elementary and secondary levels, classroom teachers shall comprise the majority of persons represented under category (a). --California Education Code §52852
Elementary Composition Parent or community membership is equal to school staff membership. Classroom teachers must be in the majority of the staff side. “Other School Personnel” includes: other administrative positions, other non-classroom teacher positions, and all site classified personnel. Smallest council is composed of 10 members. Middle schools may use the elementary composition.
Secondary Composition Middle and High Schools: Middle schools may use the elementary composition Parent or community membership is equal to school staff membership. Classroom teachers must be in the majority of the staff side. “Other School Personnel” includes: other administrative positions, other non-classroom teacher positions, and all site classified personnel. Student Members Smallest council is composed of 12 members.
Parent/Community Eligibility Parent is defined as the parent or guardian of a student at a school A “parent” CAN be an employee in the district, but CANNOT be employed at the school in any capacity (e.g., noon-duty, recreational assistant, substitute) Community member is any person having an interest in the local school process and is elected by parents to take one of their slots
Selection/Election of SSC Members Selection of members by their peers Teachers with class rosters selected by teachers with class rosters Other staff selected by other staff (may be certificated staff without class roster or classified staff) Parents of pupils attending the school/community members selected by parents Secondary students selected by secondary students
Member Roles and Responsibilities SSC members should Regularly attend SSC meetings Become knowledgeable about educational issues related to curriculum, instruction and assessment Review meeting and operating procedures Develop annual meeting calendar Represent their constituents in support of increased student achievement
Member Roles and Responsibilities The Principal Is an active member of the council Cannot assign her/his SSC responsibilities to a vice principal or other designee Provides information and leadership Implements the approved plan Has no administrative authority over the council May not veto a decision or change the approved SPSA without council approval
Member Roles and Responsibilities Officers and specific duties should be outlined in SSC bylaws Typically, SSC Officers include Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary
Member Roles and Responsibilities The Chairperson usually Facilitates SSC meetings Works with principal to establish meeting agendas Provides leadership to SSC members on roles and responsibilities Has signatory responsibilities for official documents
CHAIRPERSON—Running Effective Meeting Call the meeting to order at the appointed time Announce the business to come before the Council in its proper order Ensure compliance with the bylaws Recognize people who desire to speak, and protect the speaker from disturbance or interference Explain what the effect of a motion would be if it is not clear to every member Restrict discussion to the question when a motion is before the Committee
CHAIRPERSON—Running Effective Meeting Rule on issues of parliamentary procedure Put motions to a vote, and state clearly the results of the vote Be responsible for the orderly conduct of all Committee meetings
Member Roles and Responsibilities The Vice Chairperson usually Facilitates meetings in absence of Chairperson Provides leadership and support to members
Member Roles and Responsibilities The Secretary usually Takes meeting notes/minutes Deliver copies of minutes to all members Provide original meeting minutes to Principal Assist with general communication to members Keep member contact information confidential Participate in planning agenda, if requested Provides leadership and support to members
Specific SSC Responsibilities Analyze and evaluate school and student progress and achievement Obtain recommendations from advisory, standing and special committees regarding focus of SPSA Develop and approve SPSA in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations Recommend SPSA for approval by the local governing board
Specific SSC Responsibilities Provide ongoing monitoring of implementation of SPSA and related expenditures Revise SPSA as needed Participate in all local, state and federal reviews of school’s program for compliance and quality Evaluate SPSA effectiveness on annual basis
Specific SSC Responsibilities Encourage parents, community members, teachers and students, if applicable, to take on leadership roles and participate in SSC activities Carry out other duties assigned to SSC by the governing board, or required by state and/or federal law
SSC Scope of Responsibilities SSCs do NOT engage in: School management Supervision of staff Policy making Fundraising SSCs are NOT: Political organizations Personnel Committees Grievance Committees Extension of the PTAs Social Group
SJUSD Practices Annually, each SSC must retain: SSC Roster Members Officers Meeting Schedule Meeting agendas, sign-in sheets, minutes, flyers/notifications of meetings Election announcements, ballots and tally sheets Documentation of training provided Bylaws
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) When do you need to have an ELAC? When a school site with 21 or more English learners are enrolled at the site. The ELAC is a formal school committee—much like School Site Council (SSC). It serves as a subcommittee to School Site Council—providing advice pertaining to English learners. The primary purpose of the committee is to advise the SSC on issues pertaining to English Learners. Detailed information and function of the ELAC is available from the English Learners Department.
SSC Bylaws Are not required by law; however, are recommended for all committees and councils Serve as a guide for the council’s actions Should be reviewed annually by a bylaws subcommittee acting on behalf of the SSC The bylaws subcommittee should bring the recommended changes to the SSC Template for Bylaws is available through the Student Learning Assistance Department. District has sample template that includes all requirements.
Effective SSCs… Focus on increasing student achievement Maintain a high degree of collaboration Provide opportunities for shared leadership Demonstrate good problem solving skills Allow members and the public to freely express opinions and points of view Recognize and respect the individuality and creativity of each member Are prepared with materials and good ideas Communicate progress with the school community
Resolving Disagreements Resolve disagreement at the site level Request clarification from district office staff Request support from district office staff Request (in writing) assistance from the governing board File a Uniform Complaint
Public Meeting Guidelines Meeting notice (agenda) must be posted 72 hours in advance, specifying Date Time Place Agenda Meetings must be open to the public Public may address the council during public comment, but cannot vote California Education Code 35147
Taking Action SSC may act only on items included on posted agenda 7/30/2018 Taking Action SSC may act only on items included on posted agenda Exception: SSC may add item, by unanimous vote, to agenda for action Questions or requests for clarification do not need to be on posted agenda Violations require reconsideration of item at next meeting after allowing for public comment Make any meeting materials available to the public upon request California Education Code 35147
SJUSD Recommendations for all Schools Each school needs to retain documentation of: Flyers/Notifications of meetings Meeting Agendas Meeting Notes/Minutes Sign-In sheets Input from advisory committees Member selection documents: notification of elections, ballots, tally sheets
SSC Support Upon request, Office of Student Learning Assistance staff will provide On-site assistance with Meeting procedures SPSA development Site-specific information and guidance about State and Federal funds Programs
Have SSC Questions? Need Support? Roxanne Mitchell, Director of Student Learning Assistance Wanda Shironaka, Program Manager of Title I Martha Quadros, Program Manager of English Learners Tia Taylor, LCAP Specialist Office Student Learning Assistance Wanda.shironaka@sanjuan.edu Martha.quadros@sanjuan.edu Tia.taylor@sanjuan.edu Roxanne.mitchell@sanjuan.edu Phone Numbers: Title I Office: 916-979-8985 English Learner Department: 916-971-5382 LCAP Specialist: 916-979-8567 Office of Student Learning Assistance: 916-971-7202
Additional SSC Resources For Additional Information go to: www.cde.ca.gov Type “School Site Council” in the Search box Click Search Select School Site Council.