Senate Session Region C Conference February 18, 2017 Olivia LeBlanc, Region C Senator Kate Van Dellen, Region C Senator Liberty Schmidt, Region C Senator Kate Hull, Deputy Speaker of the Senate Update slides as needed for your region.
FY17 Winter Senate Meeting Agenda S1713: Other Groups S1714: Collegiate Director Eligibility S1715: Senate Procedures Update S1716: Procedures for Review of SWE Member Conduct Update Finance Update and Reserve Fund Document Review Strategic Initiatives and Strategic Planning Committee Training/Discussions Governance Task Force Update and Discussions S1717: Endorsement of Governance Changes AMS slides are covered in State of SWE
S1713: Other Groups
S1713: Other Groups Adopted as Proposed Overview This change adds “Other Groups” and the authority for creation and management of those groups Background As SWE continues to grow and expand, we need to update the bylaws to reflect the changes made for expanding markets Various entities now exist within the Society that are not reflected in the bylaws. This update will capture the current groups and allow flexibility as SWE continues to expand. Example of “Other groups”: SWENext
S1713: Other Groups Adopted as Proposed Proposed Changes: Article VII, Section 5 (NEW) Section 5. Other Groups. Other groups may be created and managed by the board of directors to support the Society’s mission under such requirements as the board may determine.
S-1714: Collegiate Director Eligibility
S1714: Collegiate Director Eligibility Adopted as Proposed Overview This change will clarify the years of experience when that experience must take place for someone to be eligible for the collegiate director position. This change also requires the eligibility roles to be different positions. Background The collegiate director eligibility requirements no longer allow for the leadership position the candidate is serving at the time of nomination to count towards eligibility.
S1714: Collegiate Director Eligibility Adopted as Proposed Proposed Changes: Candidates for collegiate director must: Be or have been a collegiate member of the Society in good standing within two years immediately previous to submission of nomination; Be a member of the Society in good standing; and Have At the time of taking office, have at least two years of experience in the aggregate in at least two different SWE positions with significant leadership responsibility, provided that at least one year must be in a collegiate role.
S1715: Senate Procedures Update
S1715: Senate Procedures Update Adopted as Proposed Overview The Senate Procedures are supposed to be reviewed and updated as needed every 2 years. FY16 was skipped knowing that there would be updates from the FY16/17 bylaws amendments. Background This procedures update is inclusive of recent bylaws amendments in order to better align with the ways in which the senate currently operates. The 2014 update modified the 2010 version of the senate procedures, not the more recent 2012 version. This update combines the two and reflects all changes.
S1715: Senate Procedures Update Adopted as Proposed Corrected minor inconsistencies SWE Governance webpage > SWE Resources webpage Communities > Senate communication platform Mega Issues > Strategic Initiatives Removed reference to Collegiate Leadership Forum Removed Section 2.07 related to vacancies & Addenda 8.05 BOD Vacancy per S-1611/1708 Removed Section 7.00 SWE Dues & Addenda 8.04 Current Dues Listing per S-1615/1710 Added FY15 & FY16 Motion Logs
S1716: Procedures for Review of SWE Member Conduct
S1716: Procedures for Review of SWE Member Conduct Adopted as Proposed Overview This change is being brought forward by the ethics committee. The changes are minor to clarify certain areas and correct grammatical errors.
S1717: Endorsement of Governance Changes
S1717: Endorsement of Governance Changes Adopted as Proposed
Discussion: What does this mean? Bylaws amendments are currently being drafted to be brought before the Senate within the next 18 months Note: the Senate can pass a bylaws amendment electronically All Governance updates can be found here:
Senate Roles and Responsibilities
Senators are Responsible for: Charting the strategic direction of SWE by developing and adopting the long-range goals for the Society Developing and/or adopting proposed changes to the Society bylaws, policies, and procedures that are in line with the strategic plan Conducting essential dialogue on long-term trends and issues of common interest Establishing policies on the use and restrictions of the contingency funds of the Society First bullet – through participation in ASPR and working of Strategic Initiatives 2nd bullet – examples are our public policy position statements such as our position on Title ix etc.
Senate Composition Voting Members 2 professional senators per region 1 collegiate senator per region 2 international senators 0-2 special senators Non-voting members Board of Directors Deputy Speaker Senate Secretary Deputy Director of Regions 2 15 2 10
Senator Duties Attend all senate meetings, conference calls and training sessions Come prepared to all senate meetings Read all provided materials in advance Discuss among senators and constituents in advance As needed: Review the senate procedures and SWE Bylaws Review parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order Confer with other senators, speaker/deputy speaker, bylaws committee, participate in SWE Senate Teamwork discussions Vote promptly on the senate minutes and any other motions presented electronically or by mail Regularly participate on the senate committees and task forces
Time Commitment Face-to-face meetings Conference calls Other Annual Society conference (Fall; 3 days) Winter senate meeting (Winter; 1 day) Region conference (Spring; 2 days) Conference calls Senate business (1 hour/month) Region council meetings (1.5 hours; bi-monthly) Region collegiate team meetings* (1 hour/month) Preparation calls before face-to-face meetings (1 hour/meeting) Other Strategic Initiatives work (variable) Strategic Planning Committee (2 mandatory face-to-face meetings, calls 1-5 hours/month) Special Projects Committee (variable) Off-line discussion of bylaws amendments and motions (variable) *Collegiate Senators ONLY
FY18 Changes to the Senate Assume responsibilities of Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) and Strategic Initiatives Committee (SIC) Both committees will be sunset at the end of FY17 Operate as strategic body in alignment to charter and strategic plan Begin to recruit and elect new senators based on leadership competencies with focus on strategic thinking/ planning, not geographically Teamwork site (new in FY16, replaced communities) Great tool for virtual communication/ collaboration/ discussions throughout the year
Contact Information - Can view the Senate blog here as well Olivia LeBlanc, Kate Van Dellen, Liberty Schmidt, Kate Hull, *Other resources for Senate information/ experience: Past Senators, Past Region Officers (See Region C Website)