Preparing Pre-Service Teacher Candidates for Inclusive Settings


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing Pre-Service Teacher Candidates for Inclusive Settings Enhancing Course Content within University Settings in Florida: Two Journeys-Same Vision Preparing Pre-Service Teacher Candidates for Inclusive Settings University of Central Florida Sissi Carroll, Ed.D. Mary Little, Ph.D. Cynthia Hutchinson, Ed.D. Using UDL Integration to Increase Collaboration in Teacher Education to Improve Outcomes for Diverse Learners University of West Florida Stacie B. Whinnery, Ed.D. Keri C. Haley, Ph.D. Jennifer Mesa, Ph.D. Keith W. Whinnery, Ph.D.

Florida Blueprint and UWF Goals Florida Blueprint Goals: Increase the knowledge and skills of all teachers working with students with disabilities (SWDs) Provide guidance to institutions of higher education to revise teacher preparation programs. UWF Goals: Develop collaborative faculty-led processes to enhance teacher preparation curricula; and Use the collaborative process to strengthen implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Practices within undergraduate teacher preparation programs.

UWF Teacher Education General and Special Education are housed in one department Majority of teacher candidates are enrolled in our dual licensure program Elementary/ESOL/Reading B.A. ESE/Elementary/ESOL/Reading B.A. Faculty have expressed a desire to increase collaboration and coordination Across general and special education courses Across coursework and clinical experiences Data reviews identified a need to more strongly infuse strategies for teaching diverse learners into general education content courses

UWF Collaborative Curriculum Enhancement Model Focus on internal priorities, not external requirements Adopt a common language Develop a faculty learning community (FLC) Mediate the learning process, and provide on-going support Introduce and model the “critical friend” approach Celebrate and recognize the work of the group

UWF Curriculum Enhancement Process Project team shared vision with department and college administrators Consultant provided UDL training to all teacher ed. faculty Faculty volunteered to participate in Faculty Learning Community Professional development and collaborative curriculum review Collaborative development of enhanced curriculum map Continued professional development Collaborative course enhancements – shared ideas and resources Implementation Replication/Scale-up – repeating process with additional courses and programs Sustaining efforts Summer 2015 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016- Present

Getting Started at UWF Gained leadership support and endorsement Repeatedly presented project opportunity (soft sell) Connected to internal values and priorities Relied on existing relationships – trust, credibility Developed common understanding Dr. Maya Israel’s UDL presentation to full faculty Sought departmental input prior to initiation Commitment to preparing inclusive educators Shared decision making – programs and possible courses Requested voluntary participation

“I think it was the way they approached participants or volunteers so to speak. It was not threatening. It was not, “You have to join.” It was, “Who wants to volunteer?” And so it was the way it was introduced. People felt like they wanted to be there.”

Communication and Collaboration Faculty Learning Community (FLC) Collaborative decision-making and planning Process – format and time Products (targeted courses, progression of content, level of integration) Critical Friend Cross-disciplinary Other perspectives Meaningful feedback Universal Design for Learning (UDL) CEEDAR Innovation Configuration Coaching and support provided by the UDL Project Team

“The best approach is collaborative with continuous support and consultation. When faculty make decisions about how to implement information into their own courses. It is more effective, more motivating, and better quality.”

Sustaining Momentum Integration of UDL into course syllabi and program SLOs Replication with additional courses and new programs (Secondary) Continued engagement with university leadership Ongoing communication about UDL efforts and outcomes Integrating UDL into Continuous Improvement Efforts Completer and employer surveys CAEP Standard 1 Continuing Faculty Learning Community activities Fine-tuning and quality assurance Deepening understanding and implementation Continued sharing of course updates and resources Coordination with school districts

UWF UDL Integration Effort Questions & Answers (5 minutes)

Critical Components: University of Central Florida Collaborative Curriculum Enhancement for Inclusive Practices Share resources and learning across disciplines Develop “shared” language and knowledge Develop faculty learning community (FLC) Determine peer partners and provide on-going support Share goals, resources, and supports developed by faculty Celebrate and recognize the curricular enhancements

Learning and Development Process After vision was shared, we determined teams of professionals to partner in the work Met with College Dean and Department Administrators Approved and shared vision for project Supported “Faculty Fellows for Inclusive Pre-service Education” All faculty completed a one hour on-line course re: ESE for re-certification to develop “common language” among colleagues Hosted “Kick-Off” meeting in Dec. with members and Dean Multiple meetings/month (large group and ESE/El. Ed. Teams) Determined “Critical Questions” to address during enhancement Shared updates, resources, reactions (written reflections and discussions) as ESE and content teams enhanced courses based upon the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Met monthly as a Professional Learning Community to share innovations, ideas, resources, and enthusiasm

National, State, and University Educational Resources Standards Council for Exceptional Children; Florida Educator Accomplished Practices Websites & Articles IRIS Center for Curricular Modules and Resources Article: UDL and Access and various modules Content Promises to Keep – CEEDAR and CCSSO publication Sample of Resources for Content Areas State/University/ School District FDOE-funded projects (e.g., FDLRS, Florida Inclusion Network, PS-RTI), UCF Student Accessibility Services, Webcourses, doctoral students, classroom teachers, principals 5. Professionals Professionals from multiple educational agencies CEC Knowledge and Skill University School Districts State Agency Personnel Doctoral Students Faculty: General Education Special Education Faculty: School Personnel

Initial, Foundation Course for all Teacher Candidates: EDG 4410 Course Evolution Online Module Videos Chapter in online textbook Read, Write, Think website SeeSaw.Me electronic journal UDL Learning Centers Disability cards Lesson plans modified Video Case Studies/UDL Lesson Planning introduced

Deliverables and Accomplishments Enhanced and aligned syllabi with CEC, FEAP, ESOL standards Enhanced lesson planning format within CEDHP for inclusive planning used in initial educational foundations course Collaborative development of teaching resources (e.g., UDL, inclusive practices, MTSS/RTI) Resources and samples to disseminate Research and evaluation systems in process Enhanced and aligned Curriculum Maps within initial courses in Elementary and Exceptional Student Education Professional competencies of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) within undergraduate courses

CEC Curriculum Matrix

Faculty Feedback - UCF “I was inspired by my mentors who patiently walked me through the CEC standards and surprised me by finding either windows of opportunity to integrate Ex Ed or showing me how I was already doing much of what we need.” “It is a very exciting process! One of my students came up after class and thanked me for bringing in the topic of exceptional students into our class. She said that she feels more prepared for the future.” “I’ve learned so much by looking at research for science education. I’ve also learned that even small changes can make a big difference with my students, and in turn, their future students.” “Great collaboration is possible!”

Next Steps - UCF Course enhancements in Exceptional Student Education to increase core content Electronic case studies of students with disabilities (13 categories) for use in lesson planning (e.g., differentiation, UDL, tier 1 considerations, accommodations, etc.) New course under development for teacher candidates to take during Internship II will be enhanced to build upon enhancements and additions from each course Inclusive products (e.g., clinical supervision rubric, course products) developed through UCF Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning) Proposals submitted for state and national presentations Research and instrumentation developed; Several SOTL research initiatives. Survey for all elementary education teacher candidates re: perceptions of teaching SWDs as part of Institutional Effectiveness (UCF Program Accountability)

UCF Inclusive Educator Preparation Questions & Answers (5 minutes)

Small Group Discussions (25 minutes) Divide into three groups. Each group will focus on one of three problems of practice (getting started, communication & collaboration, sustaining momentum). In each group, participants will: introduce themselves share issues/challenges related to the problem of practice brainstorm strategies to address common issues/challenges

Problems of Practice Discussion 1. Getting Started Recruiting administrative support and faculty participation 2. Communication and Collaboration Fostering communication across disciplines/departments Building common language 3. Sustaining momentum Sustaining and scaling-up reform efforts

Group Share Out (10 minutes) Each group will share important discussion points and strategies (3 minutes/group)

Closing Connections (5 minutes) Reflect on what is important to share with your team. Lessons learned Specific strategies Things to avoid