The UPC and the Unitary Patent Risks and Benefits an interactive discussion with Juergen Dressel Head of Global Patent Litigation Strategy Novartis Pharma AG James Horgan Assistant Managing Counsel European Patents Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Global Pharma IP Forum London Stock Exchange 28 September 2015
UPC and the Unitary Patent Risks and benefits of allowing patents to be under the jurisdiction of the UPC versus opting out Major issues Business sector (e.g., telecoms, pharma) Pros and cons of being in the system from the start or staying with the system we know for dispute resolution Practicalities of opt out: timescale, fee payment, portfolio records
UPC and the Unitary Patent Major issues continued Getting preliminary injunctions: legal standard, evidence, timescale to start action and get injunction, clearing the way Duration of cases What type of evidence will be needed and what cases will this favour? Comparative litigation and court costs for big, medium and small patentees Forum shopping Bifurcation
UPC and the Unitary Patent Major issues continued Benefits and drawbacks of unitary patents, e.g. value for money with IT joining Representation rights Unitary SPCs EFPIA/ECPA/IFAH-Europe proposal