Report of oneM2M MARCOM subcommittee Group Name: oneM2M Steering Committee #32 Source: Sharon Oddy, ATIS/iconectiv (MARCOM chair) Meeting Date: 2016-08-10 Agenda Item: 3.4 MARCOM subcommittee report to SC
Recent Meetings MARCOM 32.2: 20 July 2016 13:30 UTC Chaired by Sharon Oddy, MARCOM chair, and Ultan Mulligan, MARCOM vice-chair MARCOM 33.3: 2 August 2016 13:00 UTC
MARCOM initiatives Call for Speakers, updated Speaker Bureau Process sent to members Updated standard deck sent to members Brochure being updated Smart Cities White Paper being commissioned
Activities: Events IoT World, 10-12 May, Santa Clara Shelby Kiewel, iconectiv, presented for oneM2M Smart to Future Cities, 26-27 April, London Ultan Mulligan, ETSI, presented for oneM2M IoT Tech Expo Berlin, 13-14 June, Berlin Joerg Swetina, NEC, chaired and presented for oneM2M IoT Evolution Expo, 11-14 July, Las Vegas Matt Lear, iconectiv, presented for oneM2M 5G World, 28-30 June, London Andreas Neubacher , Deutsche Telekom, presented for oneM2M/ Deutsche Telekom
Activities: Press Releases Press Release issued: CEN & CENELEC becoming Partner Type 2 (Released 14 June) oneM2M Interop 2 (Released 13 July) oneM2M Release 2 announced (Released 27 July) Upcoming Press Release: oneM2M Release 2 available (Fall 2016) Regular weekly calls with Proactive PR Calling on more participation from MARCOM alongside ATIS and ETSI – TTA volunteered Proactive PR Activity Tracker: MARCOM-2016-0034 oneM2M News e-mail list: 850 subscribers
Activities: Editorial oneM2M Security Briefing paper Last output of OEA, written by Francois Essener, Gemalto and Yogendra Shah, Interdigital. Now published on white paper sites and on oneM2M website (MARCOM-2016-0013) IoT-Now: Interview with iconectiv CTO, Chris Drake Interview compiled by Ken Figueredo, InterDigital Metering and Smart Energy International: Enabling cross-technology IoT interoperability with oneM2M Article by Ultan Mulligan, ETSI (also Intercomms: IoT race is a Marathon, not a Sprint … Article bylined by Omar, written by Proactive PR, based upon pre-MWC press release
Activities: Editorial Awaiting publication: Connect World North America: article provided by Ken Figueredo Connect World India: article provided by Bindoo Srivastava (TSDSI) Awaiting professional author selection: Smart Cities whitepaper as suggested by Dr. Omar Elloumi Pending byline opportunities: IoT Evolution byline article (GRC to provide initial draft for review) IoT Agenda guest blog by oneM2M (PENDING: Selection of oneM2M contributor) Wireless Magazine feature (PPR to draft on Release 2) Intercomms feature (PPR to rework Release 2 content)
Activities: Web and Social Media IPR web page published. Incomplete IPR information from partners All partners (PT1 and PT2) requested to provide information to Marcom to complete this table Ontologies information page published Twitter: 370 followers. Ken Figueredo managing Twitter account Wikipedia: oneM2M page to be drafted/submitted mid-Aug. 2016
Activities: Webinars 1600 followers on oneM2M BrightTalk channel Interesting webinar statistics: MARCOM-2016-0012 “Future proof IoT based Smart Cities using oneM2M” webinar 28 July Webinars planned for post Release 2
Upcoming Events Partner Events Industry Events Korea IoT Week 2016, 10-14 October, Seoul ETSI IoT Workshop, 14-17 November, Sophia Antipolis, FR Industry Events Full list of events endorsed and speaking opportunities available at: MARCOM-2016-0016R03
MARCOM Schedule MARCOM - 2016 Meetings Planned: MARCOM #33.1 30 Aug 2016 (Tuesday) 13:00 UTC MARCOM #33.2 27 Sep 2016 (Tuesday) 13:00 UTC MARCOM #33.3 25 Oct 2016 (Tuesday) 13:00 UTC MARCOM #34.1 15 Nov 2016 (Tuesday) 13:00 UTC MARCOM #34.2 13 Dec 2016 (Tuesday) 13:00 UTC