G. Carboni for the Muon Group M1 Status G. Carboni for the Muon Group material budget cable layout status & plans
Material budget: what is in the MC (T. Ruf) chambers with the Faraday cages and electronics, rest is uniform
Ingredients of X0 calculations Try to be as accurate as possible by including (hopefully) all importants elements Cross-check calculations with measurements (weight) In the final version local disuniformities will be included to some reasonable level of granularity Data used cables
Average values: Services <t>/X0 Walls Al 3 mm 0.034 Balconies Al bars 0.011 Ground Braids (v) Cu 50 mm2 0.007 Gas pipes (h) Cu <L> =2 m 0.019 HV/LVDS/ECS cables (v) <L>=3m 0.028 LV Cables (h) <L>=2m 0.009 Total 0.108 (h) mostly horizontal (v) mostly vertical
GEM to be included for the detailed description. Do not play a role Average values: chambers FC + 0.06 GEM to be included for the detailed description. Do not play a role in the average
Average values: electronics cards FC 0.06 Total electronics 0.0134
A modest increase w.r.t. the present MC description Summary t/X0 Services 0.108 Chambers (incl. FC) 0.144 Electronics 0.013 Total 0.265 A modest increase w.r.t. the present MC description
Cable layout Original layout unsatisfactory because of large disuniformities in material distribution
But layout different from M2-M5 Old Layout M2-M5 Big X0 jumps X A-side C-side New layout proposed for M1 (Burkhard) to get a more uniform arrangement of cable material for a better EM Calo performance. But layout different from M2-M5
Cable layout It was decided to stick to the old chamber layout but to devise new more uniform cabling scheme Emiliano Danè (last week meeting) horizontal cables behind each chamber row (max 40 cables/row) remaining part arranged in vertical chimneys (two front and two back)
Rows with only R4 chambers: rows from 26 to 32 (rows 2->8 mirrored). Sec. a Sec. b ECS Used 3 clamps; 12 places each; 36 places in total; For these rows we have: 18 cables + 8 pipes = 26 places LV HV LVDS gas pipes
Rows 22 and 20. (12 and 14) F a B C D E G 68 cables in row 20. So 14 cables of chamber 20A3 go to row 22. See the Autocad file to better understand. F Row 22 1st wires plane Row 20 a B C D E G 2nd wires plane Row 22 Row 20
Vertical routing Tray B chimney 126 cables Tray A3 chimney External chimney 252 cables Vertical routing
X0 budget due to cables Average 0.039 0.037=0.028+0.009 of estimate on slide 4
gas pipes contributions in detail
Work in progress Software (Alessia) introduce the detailed description in the MC
Construction status
Since our last meeting (LHCb week): the work on M1 beam started 3 weeks ago... ...and it stopped due to late (and not announced) delivery of panels due to a broken machinery at the company New delivery date July 20 (was June 22) a lot of effort done on implementing a - as minimal and uniform as possible - distribution of cables inside the active area and on top of this, a lot of engineering work by Alessandro In the meantime production centers are dressing M1 chambers: GEM’s here at CERN by the end of July ½ M1R4 here at CERN by early September (then M1R3) CERN M1R2 under preparation
Design & Drawings All the structural elements have been defined and drawn: Walls >>> done Carriages >>> done Handling System >>> done Cable Chains (order >>> done) We have to prepare the executive drawings of the Bottom Rail We are working on the chambers fixation (Balconies)
Design: structural elements The walls will arrive the Cern at the end of July (20 th). The carriages will arrive the Cern next week
Rearranged Schedule Still to define Manpower shifts
Effects of new schedule: start of LV/Gas cabling not earlier than Sept 15 start of HV/ECS/Signal cabling not earlier than Oct 15 start of chamber mounting not earlier than Nov 15 probably some parallelism on cabling A/C side needed (otherwise too tight schedule) cabling in the big chain still to be understood (and the interferences with the other operations) The Muon group is willing to have a complete muon system by March 2008
effects of the new M1 layout on TRIGGER In the standard layout, all 5 chambers belonging to a projective tower have the same ΔZ w.r.t. nominal position (so they have the same size). With the new layout for M1only, we would have a horizontal row as in the standard layout (Z = 3 4 3 4 in M1 and in M2-M5) alternate to a row with a sequence 1-2-1-2 in M2-M5 and 2-1-2-1 in M1 M3 M2 Towers with Z=1111 in M2-M5 see a “smaller” M1 chamber Z=2 M1 3 1 3 Y 3 IP 1 2 2 2 Towers with Z=2222 in M2-M5 see a “larger” M1 chamber Z=1 1 1