Functional Examination of the eyes The cones function of the fovea centralis is assessed by: 1-Visual acuity(VA). 2-Colour vision. The rod function of peripheral retina is usually assessed by: -Visual Field (peripheral V.F).
Quik eye examination should include: 1-V.A. 2-Colour vision. 3.Periphral V.F. 4.Ocular motility. 5.Light papillary reflex. 6.Fund
Colour Vision Colour vision deficiencies occur as a hereditary defect in about 7% of men and 0.5% of women. They are usually transmitted as an X-linked abnormality. Colour vision abnormalities could be acquired, causes: 1-Retrobulber neuritis. 2-Foveal degeneration caused by vascular diseases. 3-Retinal detachment, involving the fovea.
Visual Field The function of the extrafoveal retina is assessed byV.F Themacula can also be assessed through performing we have 2 types of V.F.: 1.Central V.F. (macular)=central 30 degree. 2-Periphral V.F.(extramacular)=out of central 30 degree.
The peripheral extensions of V.F. is: 50 degrees superiorly 60 degrees nasally. 70 degrees inferiorly. 90 degrees temporally.