Reading prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that Reading is covered and taught effectively towards the early learning goals.
Reading Extend the children’s reading focus by creating an ‘Author of the week’ interactive display. Provide a variety of books and genres for the children to access. In the book corner ensure that there is a variety of genres available and create a small book review area with blank book reviews available. Create a class vote on their favourite book each week. Children to write their name on the interactive voting display and the winning book can be read to the whole class. Ensure all displays are interactive and have questions clearly displayed. Provide question cards at each station to extend reading and thinking development e.g. what is your favourite book? Character? Display all phonemes, graphemes, diagraphs, tricky words and high frequency words once they have been taught. Feed in some phase 4 and 5 sounds to extend their knowledge. Create an ‘information station’ within the classroom setting. Have facts, information books, key words and props to extend learning. What can they find out from the information text? Change the topic each week e.g. space, insects, cars. Reading Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. Ensure that all stations in the setting have books available for the children to refer to. Construction/ malleable- cars, buildings, aeroplanes, mechanics Home corner- doctors, vets, cooking books, recipes, magazines. Reading / writing - magazines, comics, information texts, fiction. Maths- shape books, number, patterns, Small world- animals, people, holidays, environments