CRITICAL THINKING LEVEL 1-3 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ack. Diocesan School for Girls Physical Education Dept, Auckland Anne MacKay Team Solutions NCEA Moderation Panel
Key descriptors in NCEA Physical Education The cognitive descriptors that guide how we write the tasks in order to illicit the correct cognitive response. Level 3 is based on the reviewed standards in the likelihood they will be ratified for 2006.
What does describe mean? Illustrate,expand on identify by providing some information. This may be an example, depiction,definition or an account A common failure to describe is to list. i.e 1.2 does not need a list of bones and muscles that are identified. More describe what action they do.
What does explain mean? Clarify, description with more detail made clear with reasons. How?, what?, why?
What does explain in detail mean? Explain in detail should include more in-depth explanations displaying a breadth of knowledge, and/or how factors interrelate. Key word here is depth and breadth of knowledge. The expectation is that several factors should be considered.
What does evaluate mean? To make judgements and justify with reasons. Determine the value/quality/quantity of information Consider Pro’s and Con’s Compare/contrast and explain how factors interact. To reflect (when planning)
What does analyse mean? Examine indepth. Look for patterns Separate or organise into parts.
WHAT DOES CRITICAL MEAN? Asking Questions for Enquiry Examining Evidence Finding fallacies, inconsistencies, untruths Giving personal, considered opinions with reasons. An example is philisophical questioning - open ?s where more than one answer is possible. It requires complex thinking to answer it
WHAT IS CRITICAL DISCUSSION? challenging of assumptions identifying bias who is advantaged/disadvantaged. Contrasting ideas/theories Generalizing possibilities and relationships Pros/cons Asking questions and gathering evidence to support questions Provide information/detail
WHAT IS A CRITICAL ANALYSIS? Compare and contrast different facets,ideologies from a range of sources Gather data that supports and contradicts examine individual parts, or study the whole A statement giving details of all elements and how they relate to each other. Drawing conclusions from the data.
WHAT IS CRITICAL EXAMINATION? Of issue/factor/trend Should consider a range of views/factors/aspects The critical needs to challenge assumptions, who is advantaged or disadvantaged. What are the Pros/cons identify bias and discuss how this bias may effect the issue compare and contrast cause and effect should begin to have some synthesis
WHAT IS CRITICAL EVALUATION? is a synthesis evaluating against something make a valid judgement based on personal experience, readings,gathered information. what worked, why, why not what assumptions were challenged and how did you do that was there anything else you could have done personal idea backed up with reasoning solutions you think will change things based on critical and creative thinking.
Thesaurus What do some of these words really mean.
Pros and Cons The ability to interpret the Good and/or bad points Direct and indirect effects Barriers vs enablers Strengths and weaknesses
Challenging beliefs and assumptions Distinguish between fact,opinion and inferences Recognises and analyses assumptions, old wives tales,urban myths, and out of date information. Challenging sweeping statements.
Compare and contrast Look at different facets of the problem. Identify similarities and differences
Bias Understanding a bias may be present Studies/data may reflect a personal agenda Information may only consider one side of the argument Definitions are different
Synthesis the process of combining different ideas,information, influences, and/or personal judgements into a new statement. Darrell Boyd Tauranga Boys’ College Physical Education Dept. 2005