ESTF Municipal Energy Update March 28th, 2016
New Municipal Energy Report for Fiscal Year 2016: Show, discuss energy report and plans to update. Municipal Energy Report FY 2016
Highlights: The City’s expenditures on energy declined 16% compared to FY 2015 and 22% since FY 2010. 25 municipal buildings qualify for Energy Star certification, meaning they perform better than 75% of similar buildings. 30 Energy Star scored buildings increased their Energy Star scores between 2010 and 2016. The average Energy Star scores of all City schools combined has risen 14% since FY 2010. 2. This is up from 15 buildings in FY 2015. 3. Nathanael Greene Middle School’s Energy Star score increased from a 23 in FY 2015 to an 85 in FY 2016! 4. Reflective of fuel switching, reduced electric consumption from LED lighting conversions, and school building heating upgrades. 6. As of December 2016, heating oil has been eliminated from all municipal school buildings. Municipal GHG emissions decreased 21% since 2010. The City has reduced #2 fuel oil consumption by over 88%.
Projected energy savings from efficiency projects in 5 municipal buildings, including 3 fire stations, using $1M in low-interest financing from RIIB’s Efficient Buildings Fund, is estimated to be over $100,000 annually. Recent investments in building lighting and mechanical efficiency measures have reduced electricity consumption by 6.6% since 2010.
The City’s total energy use is still showing a very strong correlation… …with the weather.
Lighting retrofits at City schools and municipal buildings have played a significant role in lowering electric use. In FY 2016, the City used 51,074,420 kWh of electricity, a 6% from its 2010 baseline.
The City recently switched the last remaining schools still using #2 heating oil to natural gas; they were Lillian Feinstein Elementary School @ Sacket Street, Frank D. Spaziano Elementary School, Webster Avenue Elementary, and West Broadway Middle School. Despite completing additional oil to natural gas conversions, consumption decreased for the first time since 2012.
Our schools are doing well!