The Earth-Moon System The Big Idea: Earth & the moon move in consistent patterns. They have predictable effects on each other as they revolve around the sun. Reference: Textbook: Science Fusion: Space Science Holt McDougal, Houghton Mifflin, 2012
Spinning around and around… Rotation- “the spinning of a body, such as a planet, on its axis” (called a day) (all definitions from Textbook) Axis: “”an imaginary line about which a body rotates (definition from
Important facts about the Important facts about the Earth’s rotations: -Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours- this makes Earth’s day -Earth rotates in a counterclockwise motion -Earth’s day starts as the sun appears in the east and ends when the sun sets in the west.
All in a Day’s Work Half of Earth can face the sun at any given time. - Half of Earth can face the sun at any given time. Earth is facing the sun, people experience daytime -The side of the Earth not facing the sun experiences nighttime.
As Earth rotates, it revolves around the sun As Earth rotates, it revolves around the sun. Revolution- “the motion of a body that travels around another body in space” Earth revolves the sun in 365 ¼ days all definitions from Textbook
I feel like I’m Leaning a little to the left… Earth is tilted at 23.5˚ How does this compare to a full circle, half circle, quarter circle?
Why are the effects of being at a tilt? Depending on what Hemisphere you are on: Longer periods of daylight Temperature
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, we love them all! Seasons – “a specific time of the year that is characterized by recurring weather conditions” Equinox- “sun shines equally on both hemispheres” Solstice- “area of sunlight is maximum in one hemisphere & minimum in the other” Definitions from Textbook
Tides Tides – “daily changes in the level of ocean water.” This change is due to the gravitational forces of the sun and moon across Earth all definitions from Textbook
Spring Tides – have the largest daily tidal range, happens “when the sun, moon, & Earth form a straight line.” all definitions from Textbook
Neap Tides – “smallest daily tidal range, happen when the sun, moon, & Earth form a 90˚ angle”. Definitions from textbook
Venn Diagram Spring Neap
The Moon and It’s Phases Satellites: “A body that orbits a larger body” Earth’s Natural Satellite: Moon Moon – natural satellite that travels around planets (revolution 28.5 days) What keeps the moon oribiting the Earth? GRAVITY! all definitions from Textbook
What is an Eclipse? Eclipse – “an event during which one object in space casts a shadow on another object” (definition from textbook)
Describe a Lunar (Moon) Eclipse “Lunar eclipse occurs when the moon moves through Earth’s shadow” all definitions from Textbook
What is a Solar Eclipse? When the moon is directly between the sun and Earth, the shadow of the moon falls on “part” of Earth all definitions from Textbook