CTMA Investment - $1.1M; Industry Cost Share - $2.7M WIP tracked through depot refurbishment processes but process equipment usage and health are not monitored. Lack of trustworthy, unambiguous process data hampers CPI effort. FREEDOM e-Log’s automated collection of status and health data from shop floor assets coupled with a highly configurable user interface for access to information enables management and points toward CBM for shop assets Web access to real time plant information for better production management Data historian for trend analysis Infrastructure for machine health sensor data Infrastructure for interface to maintenance management systems Beta level technology demonstration now active at RRAD is transitioning to TRL Level 7 production system with DIACAP and Net Worthiness Certification CTMA Investment - $1.1M; Industry Cost Share - $2.7M Smart Machines Phase 2 Pilot Anticipated 10% increase in equipment utilization, translates to 2.5% workload throughput increase and improved response to Reset needs DoD Benefits Application by Armed Services: CTMA Sponsored: RRAD Entire Rubber Products building PHNS machine shop WR-ALC machine shop Activity Sponsored: RRAD entire production monitoring discussed Potential: Easy and inexpensive extension to all DoD depot facilities, all services Level 1 Benefits: Quantifying projected benefits for this project is difficult for two reasons: This type of data collection and presentation system is relatively new so detailed data from other installations is difficult to find Hard data on depot equipment utilization and correlation of that data to depot program maintenance (DPM) cycle times is even more difficult to find. If one quarter of the total DPM time is spent actually in process on depot equipment and if that equipment utilization can be improved by even as little as 10%, then it is reasonable to expect a 2.5% decrease in DPM time. If DPM for a major system such as a KC-135 is on the order of 200 days, the same improvement could shave 5 days off the total time in maintenance.