Critical Thinking Joseph T. Catalano
Critical Thinking: What Is it? Critical thinking is based on reason and reflection, knowledge and instinct derived from experience “The art of thinking about thinking” *An attitude about and an approach to solving problems Critical thinking helps nurses make decisions about problems for which there are no simple solutions, often with incomplete information
Characteristics of Critical Thinking CRITICAL THINKING IS CREATIVE Explore new ideas and alternative ways of solving client care problems Combine knowledge and information that may initially seem unrelated Find connections between thoughts and concepts Similar to the nursing process All variables must be considered, and decision making becomes more complex as number of variables increases
Characteristics of Critical Thinking CRITICAL THINKING IS LOGICAL, RATIONAL, AND REFLECTIVE Must base thinking on rationales and facts instead of on emotions or egocentric impulses Must take the time to collect as much data as possible Examine data under the light of reason before making a decision or taking an action
Characteristics of Critical Thinking CRITICAL THINKING IS INDEPENDENT Nurses who think critically are not easily influenced by others with strong opinions They demonstrate their autonomy by thinking for themselves and not passively succumbing to peer pressure or the belief system of the majority
Characteristics of Critical Thinking CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGES CUSTOM Constructive questioning of long-used healthcare practices prevents nurses from mindlessly providing rote care Advances in healthcare practices occur only when nurses understand the rationale behind the practices Accept or reject practices based on evidence
Characteristics of Critical Thinking CRITICAL THINKING IS ACTION ORIENTED Goal of critical thinking in health care should be the resolution of a problem or a method to improve client care Used at all levels of the healthcare system Essential to the formulation and evaluation of policies and procedures, use of effective communication, and resolution of management and personnel conflicts
Critical Thinking Skills GATHER PERTINENT DATA May be too much or too little data It is necessary to sort through the data Use the data that relate to the problem Identify and reject the data that are extraneous and perhaps misleading
Critical Thinking Skills CONTEXTUAL AWARENESS: PLACE VALUES IN CONTEXT Contextual awareness is a very broad concept that is not merely limited to values but includes everything that may effect the client, such as physical symptoms and environment Values clarification is an important element in critical thinking
Critical Thinking Skills CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS AND RITUALS What are the rituals that are done routinely without much thought? Are they beneficial, or can they be changed or eliminated? What EBP exists as a basis for the change?
Critical Thinking Skills IMAGINE AND EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES CREATIVELY A nurse using critical thinking can often identify more than one solution to a problem Evaluate the cause-and-effect relationship, value, and consequences of each course of action Consider each one before implementing a course of action
Critical Thinking Skills IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM If underlying problem has not been identified, then it is almost impossible to develop a plan to solve it Restate the issue as a declarative statement