Building Assets in Youth


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Presentation transcript:

Building Assets in Youth Presented by: Allen ISD Middle School Counselors

Developmental Assets: According to Jolene L. Roehlkepartain, author of Building Assets Together, developmental assets are at the heart of the vision of helping young people grow up healthy, caring and principled: positive relationships, opportunities, commitments, values, and competencies.

40 Developmental Assets EXTERNAL ASSETS SUPPORT EMPOWERMENT BOUNDARIES AND EXPECTATIONS CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF TIME 1. Family Support 7. Community Values 11. Family Boundaries 17. Creative Activities 2. Positive Family Communication 8. Youth as Resources 12. School Boundaries 18. Youth Programs 3. Other Adult Relationships 9. Service to Others 13. Neighborhood Boundaries 19. Religious Community 4. Caring Neighborhood 10. Safety 14. Adult Role Models 20. Time at Home 5. Caring School Climate 15. Positive Peer Influence 6. Parental Involvement in School 16. High Expectations

COMMITTMENT TO LEARNING 40 Developmental Assets INTERNAL ASSETS COMMITTMENT TO LEARNING POSITIVE VALUES SOCIAL COMPETENCIES POSITIVE IDENTITY 21. Achievement Motivation 26. Caring 32. Planning and Decision Making 37. Personal Power 22. School Engagement 27. Equality and Social Justice 33. Interpersonal Competence 38. Self-Esteem 23. Homework 28. Integrity 34. Cultural Competence 39. Sense of Purpose 24. Bonding to School 29. Honesty 35. Resistance Skills 40. Positive View of Personal Future 25. Reading for Pleasure 30. Responsibilitiy 36. Peaceful Conflict Resolution 31. Restraint EXTERNAL ASSETS

How are our kids doing? Research shows that the majority of 6th to 12th grade students only experience about 18 of the 40 assets in their lives. What effect does the lack of assets have on our kids?

The power of developmental assets High Risk Behavior Patterns Percent at Risk Category Definition Total 0-10 Assets 11-20 Assets 21-30 Assets 31-40 Assets Alcohol Three or more uses in the past month and / or got drunk once or more in the past 2 weeks 27% 53% 30% 11% 3% Illicit Drugs Three or more uses in the past year 18% 42% 19% 6% 1% Sexual Activity Sexual intercourse 3 or more times in a lifetime 33% 21% 10% Antisocial Behavior and Violence Three or more acts of violence in the past year 61% 35% 16% School Problems Skipped school 2 or more days in the past month and/or has below a C average 43% 7% 2%

The power of developmental assets Positive Behaviors Percent Involved Category Definition Total 0-10 Assets 11-20 Assets 21-30 Assets 31-40 Assets School Success Gets mostly A’s in school 23% 7% 19% 35% 53% Values Diversity Places high importance on getting to know people of other racial/ethnic groups 56% 34% 69% 87% Maintains Good Health Pays attention to healthy nutrition and exercise 52% 25% 46% 88% Exhibits Leadership Has been a leader of a group or organization in the past year 68% 48% 67% 78%

Developing assets among american youth 99,462 6th – 12th Grade Students Surveyed: Results: 1. I receive lots of love and support from my family. 64% 2. My parents and I communicate positively & I am willing to go to my parents for advice and counsel 26% 3. I receive support from 3 or more non-parent adults. 41% 4. I experience caring neighbors. 40% 5. My school provides a caring, encouraging environment. 24% 6. My parents are actively involved in helping me succeed school. 29% 7. I believe the adults in my community value youth. 20% 8. I believe that young people are given useful roles in my community. 24% 9. I serve in my community for 1 or more hr. per week. 50% 10. I feel safe at home, at school, and in my neighborhood. 55%

Developing assets among american youth… continued! 11. My family has clear rules and consequences, and monitors my whereabouts. 43% 12. My school provides clear rules and consequences. 46% 13. My neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people’s behavior. 46% 14. Parents and other adults model positive, responsible behavior. 27% 15. My best friends model responsible behavior. 60% 16. Both my parents and teachers encourage me to do well. 41% 17. I spend 3 hours or more per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts. 19% 18. I spend 3 or more hours per week in sports, clubs, or organizations. 59% 19. I spend 1 or more hour per week in activities at a religious institution. 64% 20. I go out with friends “with nothing special to do” 2 or fewer nights per week. 50%

Developing assets among american youth… continued! 21. I am motivated to do well in school. 63% 22. I am actively engaged in learning. 64% 23. I do at least one hour of homework every school day. 45% 24. I care about my school. 51% 25. I read for pleasure 3 or more hours per week. 24% 26. I place a high value on helping others. 43% 27. I place a high value on promoting equality & reducing hunger and poverty. 45% 28. I act on my convictions and stand up for my beliefs. 63% 29. I tell the truth even when it is not easy. 63% 30. I accept and take personal responsibility. 60% 31. I believe it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol and drugs. 42% 32. I know how to plan ahead and make choices. 29% 33. I have empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills. 43% 34. I have knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds. 35%

Developing assets among american youth… continued! 35. I can resist neg. peer pressure and dangerous situations. 37% 36. I seek to resolve conflicts nonviolently. 44% 37. I feel I have control over things that happen to me. 45% 38. I have a high self-esteem. 47% 39. I believe my life has a purpose. 55% 40. I am optimistic about my personal future. 70%

The Impact of Assets The more developmental assets that young people have, the more likely they are to lead healthy, positive, productive lives. The more developmental assets that young people have, the less likely they are to make harmful decisions. The more developmental assets that young people have, the less likely they are to have problems with alcohol, drugs, sexual involvement, and depression.

Assets by Grade & Gender

Rethinking how we work with youth Instead of focusing on the negative problems, an asset promoting approach focuses on building positive relationships, opportunities, values, and skills that help youth make positive choices in all areas of life. We must still deal with the problems, but more time is spent focusing on building assets through relationships. Instead of focusing on developing programs and teaching information, an asset promoting approach focuses on nurturing relationships. Most assets are best developed through positive and caring relationships. Instead of focusing on immediate, short-term issues, an asset promoting approach focuses on long term goals and opportunities. Instead of seeing youth as the problem, young people become part of the solution. They play important roles towards nurturing both their own assets and the assets of their friends.