Rehab Stations
Exercise Description Phase Difficulty 1.Mini Squats Squat to bar stool Resistance Moderate 2. Ladder Agility patterns in ladder Proprioception/ Endurance / Sport Specific Hard
Squat against the wall and hold Resistance/Endurance Moderate-hard 3. Wall Squats Squat against the wall and hold Resistance/Endurance Moderate-hard 4. BOSU Balance One leg stand on half ball Proprioception Moderate -Hard 5. Hamstring curls Standing with weight Resistance Easy-moderate 6.Gastroc Stretch Straight leg – Gastroc Mobility Easy
7. Soleus Stretch 9. Step Downs 10. Runners Taps Tap toes on tool box Slightly bent leg –Soleus Mobility Easy 8. Step Ups Step up onto block with weight shift Proprioception/ Resistance Moderate 9. Step Downs Slowly lower heel to ground Proprioception/ Resistance Moderate 10. Runners Taps Tap toes on tool box Endurance/ Sport Specific Hard
11. Slow-mo Skater 13. Quad Sets Contract quad and hold Resistance Hop and balance on each line Proprioception/ Sport Specific Moderate/Hard 12. Standing Lunges Lunge in place Resistance Moderate-hard 13. Quad Sets Contract quad and hold Resistance Easy 14. Straight Leg raise Seated SLR
15. Alphabet 17. Dyna Disk Balance 16. Dot Drill 18. Balance Write alphabet with ankle Mobility Easy 16. Dot Drill Hop to dots while on one leg Proprioception/ Endurance/ Sport Specific Hard 17. Dyna Disk Balance One leg stand on blue “pillow” Proprioception Moderate 18. Balance Stand on one leg Easy
19. Standing heel/ toe raises Stand and lift heels/ toes Resistance /Endurance easy 20. Seated heel/ toe raises Lift heels/ toes Mobility/Endur 21. Theraband 4 way Stand on one leg while kicking with the other against a band Proprioception/ Resistance/ Endurance Moderate- hard
22. Total Knee Extensions 24. Clock Touches Band around knee and extend knee Mobility/Resistance Moderate 23. Clock Pick Up Pick up tape ball then put down at next dot Proprioception/ Endurance Hard 24. Clock Touches Stand in center and reach out with opposite foot Proprioception/ Endurance Hard 25. Balance Ball Toss Stand on one leg and toss ball back and forth Proprioception hard
13. Towel Pushes 14. 8-9 Curl towel under foot with toes Mobility/ Resistance/ Endurance 2-4 13. Towel Pushes Scoot towel to the side Mobility/ Resistance/ Endurance 2-4 14. 8-9