Velocity Distribution and Temperature f(v,t) dv is the number of particles per unit volume in the velocity space interval v, v + dv. n(t) = ∫ f(v,t) dv (1.1.1-1) For thermal equilibrium, this distribution is the so-called Maxwellian distribution f(v) = A.exp(-1/2mv2/(kBT)) (1.1.1-2) where kB is Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38x10-23 JK-1. Integrating as in (1.1.1-1) A = n(m/(2kBT)0.5 (1.1.1-3) so the Maxwellian distribution is f(v) = n(m/(2kBT)1.5.exp(-1/2mv2/(kBT)) (1.1.1-4) Now the average kinetic energy of the particles in the distribution is Eav = ∫ f(v) (1/2mv2) dv/∫ f(v) dv = 3kBT/2 (1.1.1-5) This identifies T as the temperature, so that the average energy is kBT/2 per degree of freedom. In plasma physics, it is customary to quote temperatures in energy units corresponding to kBT e.g. for kBT = 1 eV = 1.6x10-19 J. Hence T = 1.6x10-19/(1.38x10-23) = 11,600 K.
Debye Shielding 1/2 Poisson’s equation in one dimension is (Z = 1 i.e. singly charged ions): 0d2/dx2 = -e(ni-ne) (1.1.2-1) If the density far away from the grid is n then ni = n. (1.1.2-2) In the presence of the potential the electrons have a velocity distribution f(u) = A.exp(-(1/2mu2 +q)/(kBTe)) (1.1.2-3) This is intuitively clear as this means that there are fewer electrons where the potential energy (q) is large, since not all electrons have the energy to get there. Integrating this distribution over u and setting q = -e, and noting that ne n. as x , ne = n.exp(e)/(kBTe)) (1.1.2-4) Substituting for ni and ne into (1), we have; 0d2/dx2 = e n.(exp(e)/(kBTe)) – 1) (1.1.2-5)
(x) = 0exp( -x/D) (1.1.2-7) Debye Shielding 2/2 Expanding the exponential in a Taylor series and keeping only the linear term (which can be justified only a posteriori because very near the grid (e)/(kBT) can be large. (the contribution of this region is small as the potential falls rapidly there), and defining a length D (the Debye Length) as; D = (0 kBTe/ (nee2))0.5 (1.1.2-6) then the solution of the potential (1.1.2-5) is (x) = 0exp( -x/D) (1.1.2-7) Thus the characteristic dimension of the sheath is the Debye length. We are now in a position to define “quasi-neutrality”. This obtains if the characteristic dimensions L of a system are much larger than the Debye length, D << L (1.1.2-8)
Collective behaviour requires ND >> 1 (1.1.3-2) Criteria for Plasmas Quasineutrality D << L (1.1.2-8) Collective behaviour requires ND >> 1 (1.1.3-2) where ND = n4/3D3 (1.1.3-1) Electromagnetic effects dominate collisions with neutrals >> 1 (1.1.3-3) where is the mean time for collisions of charged particles with neutrals and is the characteristic frequency of typical plasma oscillations