To ask a question, enter a message in the Q&A box To ask a question, enter a message in the Q&A box. Click where it says “Your question”.
Type your message and press “Ask” to submit your question. Here is my question?
Download additional information from the “Show My Media Library” icon on the top toolbar.
To download the available material, hover your curser over the title of the file and click on the green arrow.
Throughout the day we will be using the chat box for online communication. To submit a message in the chat, click at the bottom of the box where it says “Type here”. Once you have entered your message simply hit the Enter or Return key on your keyboard.
To bring your camera into view as a participant, click on the hand icon in the top toolbar.
When prompted, click “Allow” to allow access to your camera and microphone.
Your request will be sent to the presenter and you will see a notification in the top toolbar. Once the presenter accepts the request, your camera will start and you will see your video in the Video Conference box.
When you log into the session, you will be given an option to join the meeting audio through your computer speakers or phone. Select your preferred option and click “OK”.
To access the settings you saw at login simply click on the Phone icon in the top toolbar.
Download materials by clicking here. Raise your hand to start your camera. Type a chat message here.