Quiet on the Set: Making Movies with Your iPad Green Screening Session 06-04 11:15 – 12:30 Ballroom 4
iPad Projects That Wow Carol Mayo Coordinator of Professional Development Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Dallas cmayo@cathdal.org Hold the Mayo Mary Kuterbach Instructional Technology Specialist St. Patrick Catholic Diocese of Dallas mkuterbach@spsdallas.org Tail Wagger Tech
iPad Projects That Wow Amy Forrester Former Teacher St. Mark Diocese of Dallas amyewells@yahoo.com
Green Screen The green screen effect works by combining images from two sources into a single image The two source images are stacked in layers, one in front of the other Normally, you'd only be able to see the image in front, since it would block your view of the background image
Green Screen The trick is to make portions of the foreground image transparent, allowing the corresponding parts of the background image to show through The green screen effect does that by looking for a specific color (like green, for example!) in the foreground image and then erasing any portions of the image that contain that color
What You Need iPad Green Screen App Green Screen iMovie We are using Do Ink ($$) Can buy Do Ink bundle if you want both Green Screen and Animation apps Green Screen We bought $2 table clothes at Party City Tried the ones at the Dollar Store, too thin can see through iMovie Only because the audio sometimes is not loud enough when recorded straight in Do Ink Green Screen Bump the volume in iMovie
Do Ink Resources www.doink.com
Do Ink Blog http://blog.doink.com/
3 Layers Top = Lays in front of BOTH Middle and Bottom Middle = Lays in front of background Bottom = Background You may or may not use all three, you will always have Bottom and Middle
The Green Screen Editor
The Green Screen Editor The Source Selector is where you'll add your image sources the video camera, or a prerecorded video or photo from your photo library The Preview shows the combined image sources at the current time on the timeline This is how your image will look in the completed video The Timeline shows how your image sources are arranged Use it to scroll through your video and select an image source so that you can change its settings. The Toolbars are where you'll find the chroma, crop, and mask tools, the play and record buttons, and a few other controls and switches
Important! The app does not make copies of imported videos and images. Rather, each project contains references to videos and images stored in your photo library. If the original videos and images are deleted or removed from your iPad for any reason, the app will lose access to them. You'll be alerted if there are missing videos and images when you open a saved project, but it's important to keep this feature in mind as you manage your photo library.
Duration of Image Tap the "cog" in the upper left next to the"?" icon in the Gallery view A box will drop down with the four headings Preferred video resolution Preferred camera position Video file format Image Duration Move the slider bar under "Image duration" to set your desired image duration time from 0 to unlimited
Video Can shoot the video live within DoInk Can use a video previously shot in front of “green” screen
Student Project Show example of student project Example not in this presentation since they say their names in the video and I won’t upload with students names
Project Move into Groups of 5 or 6 Use what is on your camera roll Two people will be green screen holders One person will be the videographer Two or three people will be the characters in the video Use what is on your camera roll
Project Create a 30 second to 1 minute video Save the video to your Camera Roll Bring into iMovie if you need to increase the volume
Session Evaluation Please take the time to complete the evaluation for this session! Session 06-04 Quiet on the Set: Making Movies With Your iPad Amy Forrester, Mary Kuterbach, Carol Mayo