Welcome to Year 3 and 4 Information Evening 20th September 2017
Teachers in Year 3 Ash Oak Teachers Teacher Miss Kimber Cover teacher Mrs Foster Teaching assistants Mrs Lymbachya Mrs Hunt Ash Teachers Mrs Coleman –Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Harding – Thursday and Friday Teaching assistants Mrs Utting Mrs Lymbachya Mrs Hunt
Teachers in Year 4 Birch Pine Teacher Teacher Mrs Phelan Mr Robinson Cover teacher Mrs Utting Teaching asisstants Mrs Keohane Mrs Saggers Birch Teacher Mrs Phelan Cover teacher Mrs Utting Teaching assistants Mrs Keohane Mrs Saggers
Expectations The curriculum changed in 2014 and the expectations of what every child will achieve by the end of each school year is higher than ever before! We have always encouraged and appreciated support from home and now this is even more vital. How can you support your child’s learning?
Reading and Spellings Reading is key to all learning. Aim to read together at least 4 times per week. Read lots of different books and authors to enrich their imagination. Ask questions about what they are reading: do you agree / disagree with the character’s actions? Why? What do you think will happen? Find new words and descriptive phrases to increase your child’s vocabulary. Can they explain the meaning? There is a recommended reading list in the information pack along with suggested questions. Please record your child’s reading in the reading record book so that we have an idea of how much your child is reading.
Reading and Weekly Spellings A half-termly spelling sheet will be given out at the start of each half term – it will also appear on the web-site – Class Pages. The children will be tested each week on spellings. Year 4 spellings are slightly different at the beginning of the year.
Homework You are all familiar with the homework grids – they can be found on the web-site in Class Pages. Homework will be collected, celebrated and returned. The expectation is that each child will gain 15 homework points each half term. The tasks are chosen to support the topics being taught, to consolidate class learning and to offer a wide variety of opportunities for different types of learning. Children should choose tasks from across the grid.
Homework Grid
Maths Please help your child to learn their times tables with division facts! They underpin everything we do in maths. Year 3 should know 2x, 3,x 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x by the time they arrive in Year 4. Year 4 children should know all tables up to and including the 12 x table by the time they arrive in Year 5. Every week the children will take part in a times table challenge where they will be tested on multiplication and division facts in random order. Maths sheets It is also really useful to encourage everyday ‘real life’ practical maths, e.g. telling the time; dealing with real money; every aspect of measure.
Clothing and PE When should they take PE kit home to wash? When do Year 3 an 4 have PE this year? Does kit need to be labelled? Are earrings allowed? Please teach your child to tie their shoelaces, their ties and how to do up their top buttons.
Anything Else?! If you have any worries, concerns or questions please come and talk to your class teacher. You may also leave messages on class dogo which we will try to respond to promptly. Issues that appear huge in the dark hours of the night can always be resolved with understanding and co-operation!
Anything Else?! If you do need to speak to a teacher, try to avoid first thing in the morning – we are usually very busy trying to get ready for the day and will not have the quality time which you need. Please come in after school! If you can help with the library, cooking or listening to readers, please talk to your class teacher. The PTA needs your support. Please come to the AGM on Tuesday 26th September.
Thank you all for coming! Questions?