Macbeth – William Shakespeare National 5 English - Master PowerPoint
Lesson 1 Learning Intention Success Criteria We are learning to identify the significance of certain aspects in the first part of Act I and make inferences about character and motivation To be able to discuss the witches and their thematic significance To be able to discuss Macbeth’s reaction to the news that he will be king
Starter Read (I.2) Make a list of characters who appear in scene 2 Add characters who are mentioned Use info on pg 1 to get more info on who these characters are
Starter Group characters as follows: King and court/ Royal family/Thanes Scottish army and officers Enemies and traitors
Discussion/Note taking points How is the theme of the supernatural introduced and developed in these scenes? Why do you think it is important to the play as a whole? What does it add? How would it be different if this was not included? Duncan makes Macbeth Thane of Cawdor – what are our first impressions of Duncan and why is this significant? Discuss Macbeth’s reaction to the news that he will be king.
Plenary Pg 23 – quotation quiz Complete today and for HW – we will go over tomorrow in class.
Lesson 2 Learning Intention Success Criteria We are learning to make inferences about character from soliloquy We are learning to discuss characterisation by comparing characters Analyse Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy in I. 3 Compare her reaction to the Witches’ news to Macbeth’s reaction
Scenes 1-3: a recap Scene 1 – witches talk together, plan to meet again before sunset when Macbeth will be there. Theme of supernatural Scene 2 – King Duncan receives reports of battles being fought against enemies. Heroism of Macbeth emphasised. Thane of Cawdor condemned to death for treachery. Macbeth made Thane of Cawdor for bravery. Paraphrased from YORK NOTES
Scenes 1 – 3: a recap Scene 3: The witches meet again, as planned, on a heath during a thunderstorm. They hail Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and future king. Banquo told his descendants will be kings. Macbeth is informed by Ross and Angus that he is the new Thane of Cawdor, proving the witches correct on that count. Paraphrased from YORK NOTES
Starter Rank the following qualities with regard to how well they suit the character of Lady Macbeth: Ambitious Loving Clear sighted Determined Dynamic Unnatural Intelligent Domineering Cruel Wicked
I.5.15-30 Make a list of reasons Lady Macbeth questions her husband’s character, giving evidence and explaining. Compare her reaction to Macbeth’s in I.3
Development Further comparison – I.7 Pick out quotations and explain how they show the difference between Lady Macbeth’s resolve and Macbeth’s hesitancy/indecision
Act I – a recap Scene 4 – Cawdor reported executed. Duncan announces to M & B that Malcolm is his heir. Macbeth wonders how he will overcome this. Duncan has invited himself to Macbeth’s residence at Inverness. Scene 5 – Lady Macbeth reads letter from husband. Looks forward to the fulfilment of witches’ prophecy but worries Macbeth is not ambitious enough to seize throne. Servant brings news of Kings impending arrival. Macbeth arrives home. Scene 6 – Duncan arrives at castle. Duncan and nobles welcomed by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Scene 7 – Macbeth reflects on crime he is about to commit. He decides not to kill Duncan as he fears consequences but Lady Macbeth persuades him to go through with it. She outlines her tactics and Macbeth admires her resolution. Macbeth steels himself for the regicide.
Lesson 3 Learning Intention Success Criteria We are learning to use complex vocabulary to summarise the story so far We are learning about use of soliloquy We are learning to give an analytical commentary of a scene Accurately use vocabulary from Macbeth vocabulary hand out Annotate Macbeth’s dagger soliloquy, add to paired discussion about this Discuss the development in scene 2
Starter Take the first six words from the Macbeth vocabulary and summarise how they relate to the story so far.
Act II - Recap Scene 1 – Banquo, Fleance and Macbeth meet in the castle courtyard, Macbeth advises Banquo to side with him in the future but Banquo says he will only do so if it is the honorable thing to do. Macbeth waits for the signal to kill Duncan, and talks of his vision of a dagger. Scene 2 - Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards and is feeling ‘bold’ after drinking wine. Macbeth enters, having killed Duncan. Lady Macbeth takes the daggers back to the crime scene and wipes blood on guards to implicate them in the murder. Macbeth regrets killing Duncan.
Act I Scene 1 – Macbeth’s soliloquy Think – Pair – Share Annotate Macbeth’s soliloquy to Summarise what he is saying Explain why it is significant in our understanding of his character
Act II Scene 2 Discuss Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s reactions in this scene and explain how they develop over the course of this scene?
Lesson 4 Learning Intention Success Criteria We are learning to use complex vocabulary to summarise the story so far Read through scene 3 and consider chaos and character reactions We are learning about literary motif and tracking it through a scene Accurately use vocabulary from Macbeth vocabulary hand out Discuss reactions in Scene 3 Identify and analyse the motif of strange effects on nature in Scene 4
Starter Take the second six words from the Macbeth vocabulary and summarise how they relate to the story so far.
Act II – a recap Scene 3 – A drunken porter opens the gate, annoyed at being disturbed. Macduff, Thane of Fife, discovers Duncan’s body. Lady Macbeth faints. Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain decide to flee as they are scared they will be killed. Scene 4 – Ross discusses omens with an old man. Macduff states that Malcolm and Donalbain are suspected of killing their father. Macbeth has gone to Scone to be crowned king. Macduff refuses to attend the coronation.
Act II Scene 3 How do you interpret Macbeth’s reactions in this scene? How do you interpret L Macbeth’s reactions in this scene?
Act II Scene 4 Scene 4 is a short scene Identify the references to strange events in nature How does this add to ideas about the supernatural?
Lesson 5 Learning Intention Success Criteria We are learning to evaluate and interpret the motivation of characters Take a stance as to what motivates a character and back up with evidence.
Act III Summaries Scene 1 – Banquo remembers the Witches’ prophecies and suspects Macbeth of Duncan’s murder. Macbeth has settled into royal palace. He arranges for the murder of Banquo and Fleance. Scene 2 - Lady Macbeth realises that the satisfaction she and Macbeth sought has not been achieved. Macbeth does not tell LM of his plans, only that she would be happpy with them. Scene 3 - the murderers kill Banquo but Fleance escapes Scene 4 – Macbeth and Lady Macbeth welcome guests to the banquet. Macbeth is informed of Banquo’s death and Fleance’s escape. Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo. LM informs guests that Macbeth is suffering from an illness.
Starter What is Macbeth’s motivation in hiring murderers to kill Banquo? Why not do it himself?
Read through the banquet scene What is the purpose of having Banquo’s ghost at the banquet? How far do you agree with the following statments: Macbeth’s moral decline is due to his misuse of the witches’ prophecy Banquo is as morally bankrupt as Macbeth because he also took notice of the Witches’ prophecies.
Lesson 6 Learning Intention Success Criteria Recap our knowledge of the play so far. Revise and develop our understanding of PEER paragraphs. Pick out valid information from the text to analyse. Analyse this in a PEER paragraph.
Act III summaries Scene 5 - Hecat meets the three Witches on the heath during a thunderstorm. She is with them because they have dealt with Macbeth without consulting her. She tells them to prepare for a meeting with Macbeth in the morning and predicts Macbeth’s downfall. Scene 6 - Events are reproted through the conversation between Lennox and an unnamed lord. Lennoz examines the recent ‘accidents’ and realises that Macbeth is responsible for the murders of Duncan and Banquo. Macbeth has sent a rebuke to Macduff for his absence at the feast while Macduff has gone to England to rouse support against Macbeth. There is growing opposition to Macbeth.
Act IV – Extension questions How does act IV push the action of the play further towards its conclusion? How is tension built in this act?