Environmental Science Understanding and solving environmental problems
Humans through history Hunter-gathers- caused some animals to become extinct Agricultural revolution-caused human population to grow and destroyed land. Industrial revolution- shift to fossil fuels. Improved quality of life for people but allowed for urban areas to flourish.
The Earth is a closed system Limited resources Population increase causes a strain on resources We produce wastes (pollution) that we can not get rid of. We have local and global environmental issues.
What are our main Environmental Problems? Resource depletion- Using our resources up faster that they can be replaced. Natural resource- any natural resource that is used by humans a. renewable resource- resources that can be replaced relatively quickly ex. Trees, water, soil, air and crops b. Nonrenewable resource- can not be replaced quickly Ex. Fossil fuels, minerals, and metals
What are our main Environmental Problems? 2. Pollution- undesired change in air, water or soil that has adverse affects. a. biodegradable pollutants- can be broken down by natural processes. ex. Human sewage and paper b. nonbiodegradable pollutants- can not be broken down by nature. ex. Mercury, lead, and some types of plastic
What are our main Environmental Problems? 3. Loss of biodiversity- refers to the number and variety of species that live in an area. Endangered species-A species that is in danger of becoming extinct Threatened species-a species that numbers are falling rapidly
Endangered species
Tasmanian tiger Declared Extinct In 1986 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vqCCI1ZF7o
Threatened species