SACREEE FOR MARKET-BASED ADOPTION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY SADC Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility Workshop 27 April 2017 Maseru, Lesotho This template can be used as a starter file to give updates for project milestones.
RE ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT FACILITY Some of the barriers faced by entrepreneurs include: Lack of enhanced business skills to manage the dynamic nature of sustainable energy Lack of funding, especially enterprise finance Lack of awareness of business opportunities in the niche markets Lack of institutional support that includes lack of favourable physical, legal, regulatory, and political environment enable entrepreneurs and industry when adopting market driven forces to deliver solutions – the enabling ecosystem.
OBJECTIVES OF THE FACILITY To provide mentorship and technical support to existing small to medium entrepreneurs who are citizens of SADC and who are based in the SADC region, by providing the necessary advisory expertise upon request which may include, but not be limited to, business management and operations, technical issues of project development; To refine entrepreneurs’ sustainable energy proposals to bankable levels for possible funding by financial institutions; To stimulate additional support to the Facility from development partners; and To create linkages between entrepreneurs and financial institutions.
NEXT STEPS AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES Establishment of a running Facility with a designated Advisory Board. A coordinator/support staff recruited for the Facility. Entrepreneurs assisted in improving their businesses or project proposals (addressing the requests submitted by the selected entrepreneurs). Increased communication and linkages between entrepreneurs and financial institutions. Increased number of bankable renewable energy project proposals submitted to financial institutions. Sound business practices adopted by entrepreneurs. Additional support to the Facility obtained from development partners
KEY ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE WORKSHOP Map of most relevant stakeholders involved in the promotion of sustainable energy private sector development in the region, Identify challenges to be addressed relevant to the SADC context Develop structure and implementation framework of the Facility, Solicit interest of development partners and other stakeholders in supporting the facility both technically and financially, Agree on the composition of the Advisory Board and the extent of their involvement in the operation of the Facility.