The Diocesan Multi Academy Trust Jane Sheat Chief Executive Officer
What is the MAT? Academy sponsor approved by the Department for Education (DfE) A private company limited by guarantee Legal entity with responsibility for all the schools in the Trust
Structure MAT Members MAT Directors Local Governing Body Headteacher
Aims of the Trust To raise standards in schools To increase collaboration between schools To work within a clear framework of Christian values
Scope of the Trust Suffolk- wide Focussed mainly on church schools Specialising in primary schools Four schools already, with three more to follow by September Dedicated business and finance posts and school improvement post from September
What happens? All staff transfer from Suffolk County Council to MAT Name to remain Mellis Church of England (C of E) Primary School Parent governors on local governing body (and staff governor and Headteacher) Maximise delegation to local governing body Minimise disruption for pupils and staff
Benefits of the Trust Local trust, with existing knowledge and experience of supporting 88 church schools throughout Suffolk Access to school improvement support from other schools Ability to procure services for more than one school Strong governance for a group of schools
Benefits of the Trust Long term vision for like-minded schools Importance of individual identity not uniformity Growing network of working together to provide support and challenge
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