Zingiber officinale L. Ginger is an important spice of the world. It originated in India and Dry ginger is also used for the production of oil, oleoresin, essence, soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages. Ginger has high medicinal value It is cultivated in almost all the states but Kerela, Meghalaya, Orrisa, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the major growing states. India is the major producer and exporter of ginger Ginger is cultivated in an 165’000Ha area in India and production is 1081’000MT
Name Suitable varieties Source Varieties Green ginger Chine, Rio-De- Janerio and Wynad Local Dry ginger Nadia, Maran, Wynad, Karakkal, Wynad manantody, Vallu-vanad and Kuruppam Padi Volatile oil Ernad, Chemad, naraspattam and Himachal Pradesh Oleoresin content Kuruppam Padi, Rio-De-Janerio, China, Ernad and Chemad IISR Rejatha, IISR Mahima, IISR Varada Source Rio- De-Janerio Introduction from Brazil China Introduction from China Suruchi, Suprabha, Surabhi( Mutant) High Altitude Research Station, Potangi(Orrisa) UHF, Nauni, Solan Himgiri IISR, Kerela
Soil and Field Preparation Manures and Fertilizers Climate For better growth and development ginger requires warm climate along with high humidity Low to moderate rainfall during rhizome sprout and moderate to heavy rainfall during crop growth followed by dry weather one month before harvesting coupled with 28-35°C is required for proper growth and development Soil and Field Preparation Well drained fertile sandy loam to loam soils though can be raised in all type of soils Soil should be brought to fine tilth by one deep ploughing followed by 2-3 light ploughings followed by planking Optimal bed size of 3m ×1m × 15cm (the length and breadth of beds may be increased or decreased as per the convenience) Manures and Fertilizers FYM @ 250-300q/ha Basal dose( N:P:K)kg/ha : 75-100: 50-75: 50-75. Apply half N at planting and remaining half in two to three splits at 30, 45 and 80 days after planting as top dressing.
Sowing Time April – May (depends up on pre monsoon showers) Under irrigated conditions sowing can be done from 15th Feb- 15Th March Sowing Method Seed should be healthy Seed rhizomes of 3-5cm in length, 20-25g in weight with 2-3 bud eyes are considered to be the best. Seed treatment @0.25% Dithane M-45 or Agallol@ 0.25% for 30 minutes Spacing 25-30 × 15-20cm. Rhizomes are sown 5.0cm deep. Seed Rate 15-20q/ha Irrigation First: light irrigation immediately after sowing Subsequently 15-20 days interval depending upon moisture condition of the soil Proper drainage should be ensured during rainy season
Mulching It enhances organic matter, improves the physical properties of soil and prevents erosion Also conserves soil moisture and prevents weed growth Green leaves are the best mulching material First mulching should be done immediately after transplanting (@125q green leaves/ha)and second and third mulching(@ 50q green leaves/ha) at 40 and 90 days after planting, Weeding and Earthing up Hand weeding is common in ginger First at 30 days after transplanting and subsequently at 45-60 DAP Earthing up of ridges up to 30cm should be done after second and third weeding Harvesting Green ginger is harvested 180 DAP and dry ginger after 240-260DAP when leaves turn yellow and start drying Delay in harvesting increases the fiber content and reduces the volatile oil content After harvesting rhizomes are thoroughly washed to remove soil and dirt and dried in sun for one day
Preservation of seed rhizomes Yield : 150-250q/ha Preservation of seed rhizomes Ginger is vegetatively propagated crop through rhizomes At the time of harvesting the healthy, disease and insect free seed rhizomes are selected for seed purpose. Seed ginger has to be stored for about 3 to 4 months from the time of harvesting to planting. Pre storage seed treatment with 0.1% Quinalphos + 0.25% Dithane M-45 solution is done for 30 minutes and then dried in shade before storage in pits Ginger is stored in pits. Area selected for pits should be on elevation where run-off water does not accumulate. The walls of pit may be plastered with cow dung along with loamy soil. The pits should be dug 1 meter deep and a layer of sand or saw dust is put at the bottom of the pit before storage. In pits rhizomes are stored in layers, each layer followed by the layer of dry sand or saw dust leaving sufficient space at the top of pits to facilitate proper aeration. The pit is covered with a wooden plank leaving some space between the seeds and planks and is plastered with mud. A small hole is made in the plank through which a hollow bamboo is inserted to provide aeration for the rhizomes.
Preparation of Dry Ginger (Curing) After harvesting rhizomes are cleaned and soaked in water for 12hrs. After soaking for 12hrs rhizomes are rubbed thoroughly and skin is removed Then the rhizomes are sun dried for 6-8days Dried rhizomes are rubbed to ensure that rhizomes are free of any inert material Then the rhizomes re-dipped in 2% lime water for 6hrs followed by drying to obtain good appearance and is called bleached ginger. The yield of cured ginger is 15-25% of fresh weight. After drying ginger is graded into two grades Fibrous or Calicut grade Non fibrous/ free from fibers or Cochin grade Cochin grade is in high demand in the international market
Plant Protection Measures Diseases Soft rot/ rhizome rot Pythium aphanidermatum & P myriotylum Use healthy and disease free seed Ensure proper drainage Soil drenching with 0.1% Ceresan or Captan Seed treatment with 0.25% Dithane M-45 and 0.1% bavistin for 60min before storage and sowing Yellows Fusarium solani & oxysporum f. sp. Zingiberi Same as for soft rot Leaf spot Phyllosticta zingiberi Bacterial wilt Ralstonia solanacearum Follow crop rotation Treat rhizomes with Streptocyclin@ 2000ppm for 30min
Insects Shoot borer Conogethes punctiferalis Spray Malathion @0.1% Leaf roller Udaspes folus Spray 0.1% Carbaryl Thrips Thrips tabaci Nematodes Meloidogyne incognita Nemagon Rhizome scale Aspiodiotus hartii