What happened to the Tsar and his family? Lesson Objectives To evaluate a range of primary source material. To describe what happened to the Tsar and his family.
Key Words Ipatiev House Ekaterinburg Judge Sokolov Yurovsky How confident are you with these words – write them in your notes. As you get more confident with them put a tick next to them.
Source work - Instructions Groups of 6 You will all receive one source. You have exactly one minute (60 seconds) to read and consider it. You will then pass it onto your right hand neighbour. This will be repeated 5 times. You will write nothing down during the task. This is a rapid information gathering task.
Feedback Remember our Key Words… Ipatiev House Ekaterinburg Judge Sokolov Yurovsky How confident are you now?
From the specimen exam paper Describe what happened to the Romanov royal family in July 1918 (4 Mark Question) Discussion – What do you think you will need to do to get full marks on this question?
Mark Scheme LEVEL 1 Generalised answer with weak or implied points made. [1-2] LEVEL 2 More detailed and accurate understanding shown. [3-4] What does the question want you to do? What doesn’t the question want you to do?
Homework due: Wednesday, November 25th Answer the following exam-style questions for assessment (look at the following two slides for guidance on answering these types of questions!) 1) How successful was Trotsky in his attempts to reform the Red Army (8 Mark Question) Remember this type of question asks you to consider his aims / short & long term success, etc. 2) Describe what happened to the Romanov royal family in July 1918 (4 Mark Question) Discuss today Know date / place / time / why murdered! SHP page 57
Describe what happened to the Romanov Royal Family in July 1918 Describe what happened to the Romanov Royal Family in July 1918. [4 Marks] During the Video you are to jot down up to 6 points, to answer the question. This is in preparation for what the exam board require from you… BBC – Infamous Assassinations (26 minutes) The Assassination of Tsar Nicholas II
After the Video Remember our Key Words… Ipatiev House Ekaterinburg Judge Sokolov Yurovsky How confident are you now?
plenary Tell your neighbour At least one new factual piece of information you have learned this lesson. One piece of information that has surprised you this lesson. One question that your learning today has created