GCSE French Vocabulary (2005) Autumn term – (brand new) pp2 Higher Tier
There are about 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying each vocab item out loud to yourself. Then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself. When you feel confident that you know them all, complete the online test.
maintenant [man-tuh-noh] now
la bataille [la bat-ty] the battle/fight
profiter [prof-fee-tay] take advantage of
entendre [on-ton-druh] to hear
froid [fwa] cold
constamment [cons-stam-mohn] constantly
trop [trow] too
vieux [vee-yuh] old
meilleur [may-yuur] best
une glace [oon glass] an ice cream
l’ombre [lomb-ruh] the shade
nager [na-sjay] to swim
tomber [tom-bay] to fall
les personnes âgées [lay pair-sonz aj-jay] old people
un pays [uhn pay-yee] a country
cent [sohn] a hundred
mille [meel] thousand
nombreux [nom-bruh] numerous
célèbre [say-leb-ruh] famous
né [nay] born
le monde entier [luh mond on-tee-yay] the whole world
apprécier [ap-pray-see-yay] appreciate
un endroit [uhn on-dwa] a place
agréable [ag-gray-yarb-luh] pleasant