Bounty Offers 2016
Bounty is the UK’s largest and most established parenting club Over 50 years of engagement with mums through Bounty packs containing relevant information and samples A truly unique multi-media proposition to accompany mum throughout her motherhood journey. Bounty Offers was launched to accommodate a growing market of digital savvy mums who were purchasing online.
Bounty Audience Bounty Offers has a constantly renewed audience of mums, as nearly 50,000 new births occur each month. Data is collected through pack redemption, confirmation of birth at bedside, sign up and App call to actions. A 3 months recency ensures that the keenest buyers are included within the database. Our email database is split into life stages to allow relevant offers and products to be targeted to key stages in mum and baby’s development: Maternity 0-6 months 6-12 months 12-24 months 24-36 months Bounty 1st Time Mums accounts for 59% of all email open rates.
Bounty Offers We have a large database of opted in mums , if she does not actively click on an offer in 3 months she is removed form the base – leaving only the keenest buyers. 420,000 43,000 16,500 an engaged audience of 420,000 receiving relevant offers for their child unique visitors a week. The 2nd most visited place on transactions generated per month by Bounty for our partners for 2016 16% £42.00 15% Average email open rates (Q2 2016) is the average order value (Q1 2016) Click through rate (Q2 2016)
Bounty Platform 4 Key Search Functions Categories Different search functions allows mum to find products for her baby with ease Categories Responsive categories to be added in relation to seasonality and events Clean Up/ Nesting, Treats for mum, Seasons, Babies 1st Christmas, Back to School
Driving Engagement & Sales Newsletter circa 993K mums Offer of the week Traffic Drivers on Emails & Subject lines
Questions? Rebecca Dingwall Affiliate Sales Executive E: