Chapter 14 – Revolution and Nationalism (1900 – 1939) Section 1 – Revolutions in Russia Main Idea: Long-term social unrest in Russia exploded in revolution, and started the first Communist government Why It Matters Today: Communist Party controlled the Soviet Union until the country’s breakup in 1991
Czars resist change Alexander II (assassinated) is followed by Alexander III Sticks to autocracy form of govt. Censorship, secret police and pogroms Uniform Russian culture (ONLY RUSSIAN EVERYTHING) Nicholas II takes over (1894) and continues this program State is changing and he fails to recognize
Russia Industrializes With French and British help, Russia industrializes esp. in steel but this causes problems Bad working conditions, low wages, child labor Because of conditions Marxist ideas caught on Proletariat, (workers), bolsheviks, mensheviks
Crises: Home and Abroad Russo-Japanese War Lost to Japan in 1904 "The present ruler has lost absolutely the affection of the Russian people, and whatever the future may have in store for the dynasty, the present tsar will never again be safe in the midst of his people.” The American consul in Odessa Bloody Sunday Jan 22, 1905: workers marched on Winter Palace Soldiers fired into crowd (Generals’ orders) Strikes all over Russia Nicholas promised freedom and created Duma (Parliament) 10 weeks later, Czar dissolved the group
Crises Cont… WWI debacle Russia not prepared for war & in 1915 Nicholas moved to front lines This left Czarina Alexandra to run the country Ignored advisors and instead listened to Rasputin (“holy man” with magical healing powers) He gave friends high positions in govt and made key decisions about the country 1916 a group of nobles killed him Mean while: no food + no supplies = NO SOLDIERS FIGHTING
March Revolution March 1917: women textile workers revolt in Petrograd No bread or fuel help incite more (200,000 total) Soldiers at first shot the crowd then side with them Czar Nicholas forced to abdicate throne Year later, royal family executed Germany secretly sneaks Lenin into the country to incite riots Provisional Govt set up with Alexander Kerensky as the leader
Bolshevik Revolution With Lenin leading the charge, Soviets cry for power November 1917 armed factory workers storm the Winter Palace Calling themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards they arrest the leaders of the provisional govt Lenin turns control of land and factories over to the people Sign treaty ended WWI with Germany (lose land)
Cont… Russians angry with Treaty terms and murder of Royal Family Civil War erupts White Army (support the rule of czar) vs. Red Army (Bolsheviks led by Trotsky)
Russia’s civil war killed around 14 million people Left Russia in turmoil Red Army is victorious Lenin takes control and aims to heal the economy 1921- New Economic Plan hits Allowed selling of excess crops Allowed a few private businesses Encouraged foreign trade 1922- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) created Bolsheviks now become the Communist Party 1922- Lenin suffers stroke and Joseph Stalin takes control