November 8, 2012
How You Can Stretch Your Influence and Make It Stick: A Teaching Model James Kulich, Elmhurst College November 8, 2012
Good morning and thanks for joining me!
HEY JIM, I have a great idea to share HEY JIM, I have a great idea to share. HEY JIM, I have a burning question. HEY JIM, did you hit your head this morning?
I think we can all agree that influence matters and we can always use a little more SO …
Poll: How’s Your Influence? 5 – I’m the boss! 4 3 2 1 – I get no respect
Your Story Use the chat function to describe – using 140 or fewer characters – one example of how a little more influence might make something you are doing turn out better.
So, how might you get more influence?
1. Consider your attitude about power
Power: The ability to make something happen Power: An ethically neutral construct that can be used for good or ill Tina Nunno and Heather Colella, Special Report: CIO Power Politics, Gartner, Inc.
From Gartner Study: Deposits Providing “shiny objects” Providing staff to a stakeholder Completing someone’s pet project Bringing stakeholders together Successfully completing initiatives Giving an award Being helpful and open to the input of others
From Gartner Study: Withdrawals Saying no too often Meetings and reports Going to the CEO or CFO for a mandate Going to an auditor or the board of directors for a decision Surviving an IT failure Asking staff to work in taxing situations Being unpleasant and overly self-focused
More deposits than withdrawals! What’s the trick? More deposits than withdrawals! Tina Nunno and Heather Colella, Special Report: CIO Power Politics, Gartner, Inc.
2. Think Like a Teacher
Private Thought Exercise Think of one teacher who really influenced you Why was that so?
Understands her students And shows them … A great teacher … Understands her students And shows them …
Who are your “students”? Faculty Department heads Senior management Board of Trustees Line workers Others?
Researchers Citizens of their disciplines Keepers of the tradition Faculty are … Researchers Citizens of their disciplines Keepers of the tradition
A great teacher … Knows the start Knows the end And inspires his students for the journey
Celebrates successes, little and big Embraces failure A great teacher … Celebrates successes, little and big Embraces failure
Gets fired up Ignites a flame A great teacher … Gets fired up Ignites a flame
Lets her students teach her And others! A great teacher … Lets her students teach her And others!
3. Learn from the masters.
Admissions Development Marketing Some in-house masters Admissions Development Marketing
No means not now Make others feel like insiders Talk “story” A few adages No means not now Make others feel like insiders Talk “story”
Discussion groups Gatherings Masters everywhere Discussion groups Gatherings
Your turn – once more Use the chat function to describe – using 140 or fewer characters – one idea you learned today that might make things a little better in this situation.
Your Thoughts and Questions?
Let’s keep the conversation going! Thanks! Let’s keep the conversation going!