Welcome to my class --Sept. 10th, 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to my class --Sept. 10th, 2017

Words spelling He gives us an a__________ (having more than one possible meaning ) answer. Is military service c__________ (required by rule ) in your country? We all have our little w_________ (shortcomings, esp. in a person’s character). We were deeply moved by their d________ (giving of oneself to a person, cause etc. \loyalty). mbiguous ompulsory eaknesses evotion

limate atience riterion 5. I hope you will recover soon under this healthful c_______ (the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time ). 6. Her endless p________ (ability to accept delay, annoyance or suffering without complaining) made her the best nurse in the hospital. 7. Success in making money is not always a good c________ (standard by which sth is judged) of success. limate atience riterion

cholar articipants ompetitors 8. The greatest s_______ (a learned person ) cannot solve this difficult problem. 9. All the p___________ (people who take part in an activity ) in the debate had an opportunity to speak. 10. The firm has better products than its c____________ (person who competes). articipants ompetitors ambiguous compulsory weakness devotion climate patience criterion scholar participant competitor

general introduction treasures in Canada conclusion Review of the text general introduction Structure analysis Para 1 Para 2 Para 3-7 Para 8 Para 9 Para 10 Para 11 location scenery & geography treasures in Canada major cities Niagara Falls history national symbol best country to live in conclusion

Tasks: Read a magazine article about one aspect of Australian culture Understand the structure of the text Analyze some key sentences Oral practice

Project Is Australia really a sporting nation?

How is information organized in the article? Structure analysis How is information organized in the article? 1-3 Part 1(para _____ ) Part 2(Para_____ ) Part 3(Para____ ) Australians’ absolute love of sports and perfect factors for being a great sporting nation 4-9 some popular sports and outstanding performances in international games, especially in the Olympics 10 conclusion

1. There is nothing ambiguous about… Devotion to sport Part 1( para 1-3 ) Australians’ absolute love of sports and perfect factors for being a great sporting nation 1. There is nothing ambiguous about… Devotion to sport 2. …absolute love… 3. …all the time…, …only topic…, 4. …quickly turn to…, …an analysis of…, …a discussion of…

climate sunshine space weather conditions spare time What factors help make Australia a sporting nation? sunshine space weather conditions spare time

1. …among the winning nations. 2. … a great percentage of … amazing Part 2( Para 4-9 ) some popular sports and outstanding performances in international games, especially in the Olympics 1. …among the winning nations. 2. … a great percentage of … amazing 3. In 2004 Athens Olympics… 4. swimmers

Popular sports in Australia Para 4 Swimming and surfing Para 5 tennis Popular sports in Australia Para 8 Para 6 Horse racing Rugby, soccer and footy Para 7 cricket

Water sport Fill in the table swimming; surfing; sailing Sport Examples Why popular Water sport Most of the population live near the coast swimming; surfing; sailing 2. the sun shines most of the time 3. a long coastline full of beaches 4. a two-day weekend to enjoy the outdoors

Ball Games Others tennis, 1. well-equipped facilities cricket, rugby, soccer, footy 1. well-equipped facilities 2. after-school lessons are given 3. encouragement from parents and teachers 1. long history horse racing 2. a sport to watch 3. almost everyone involved

A tennis court with lighting facilities

An indoor tennis court





Horse racing

It is indeed a great sporting nation! Part 3( Para10 ) Conclusion: It is indeed a great sporting nation!

summary A _1_ nation- Australia the _2_of sport in Australia and the unique points _5_making Australia a great sporting nation They talk about sport all the time. Sport is the only _3_ of conversation. But they are content to just sit in their armchairs and watch _4_ of participating in it. The _6_conditions are perfect. The climate is mild. The sun shines most of the time. There are two-days…

the _8_ of Australia’s sports and its sports’ fame _7_ to some sports A _1_ nation- Australia the _8_ of Australia’s sports and its sports’ fame _7_ to some sports swimming; sailing; tennis, cricket; rugby, soccer; footy Australia is among the winning nations. _9_it has a small population, its outstanding performance in the O.P. was amazing.

Sentence analysis 澳大利亚人热爱体育,这点毫无疑问。 1.There is nothing ambiguous about Australians’ love of sport. There is no doubt about Australians’ love of sport. There is no doubt that Australians love sport. 澳大利亚人热爱体育,这点毫无疑问。

2. Indeed , ______ (sit) in front of the television ________ (watch) a sporting event, with a drink in one hand some fast food in the other, is very common in Australia. sitting watching 的确,人们一手握饮料一手捧快餐,坐在电视机前看体育赛事,这在澳大利亚非常普遍。

3. The sport that most of the world calls football is known as soccer in Australia, to distinguish it from “footy”, which is short for Australian rules football. is known as distinguish ( ) tell is called/is referred to as/is named 世界大部分地区将足球叫做football, 而在澳大利亚叫soccer,以区别于简称为footy的澳式足球。

which 4. Another popular sport, cricket, is originally from the UK, and has been exported to and followed religiously in countries influenced by Britain. / influenced affected/impacted 另一项流行的体育运动起源于英国,它被介绍到受英国影响的国家,且大为盛行。

5. Considering Australia’s relatively small population, its outstanding performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing. Considering Given Australia’s relatively small population taken into consideration /account, its remarkable /excellent performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing. 考虑到澳大利亚人口相对较少,它在奥运会上的出色表现着实令人惊讶。

6. Among the most impressive athletes were the swimmers, but all of the athletes were worthy of praise. worthy of praise worth praise/ worth praising/ worthy of being praised/ worthy to be praised

1.That Australians are _______ (devote) to sport, however, does not mean that most of them actually do much sport. 2.Still it is _________(consider) that Australia is a great sporting nation. 3.Many people love sport ________(owe) to the perfect weather conditions for it . 4.With most of its population of approximately 20 million people ______(live) near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families at the weekend. devoted considered owing living

5.Most tennis courts _______(equip) with lighting facilities, many people often play after dusk in the evening and late into the night. 6.So, while a high percentage of Australians may be people _________(watch) sports rather than do them, as far as most of its population is _________(concern), it is indeed a great sporting nation. equipped watching concerned

Is Australia really a sporting nation ? Oral practice Is Australia really a sporting nation ? Use the figures and examples in the text to help perfect your speech. 1. Australians’ love of sport They talk about sport all the time. 2. Australians’ devotion to sport Some actually do sports, the rest watch it live or on TV. Eg. 3. The perfect weather conditions for sport The climate is mild, neither too hot nor … 4. …
