From: Image Defocus Modulates Activity of Bipolar and Amacrine Cells in Macaque Retina Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2004;45(7):2065-2074. doi:10.1167/iovs.03-1046 Figure Legend: Graphs of vision-dependent Egr-1 labeling in infant monkey retinas. Monkeys were treated for 30, 60, or 240 minutes (Exposure Time), and Egr-1-IR cells were counted in 30 microscope fields per eye. Each bar represents data from one animal. Data for three key parameters are represented in separate graphs: (A, B) mean number of labeled nuclei per microscope field; (C, D) mean % of GABA-IR amacrine cells that were Egr-1-IR, and (E, F) mean % of GAD65-IR amacrine cells that were Egr-1-IR. Each parameter was measured in retinas of two experimental groups: (A, C, E) diffuser versus tinted plano lens, and (B, D, F) +3 D lens versus untinted plano lens. Bars and error bars at the three exposure times represent the mean counts per field ± SD. Since one animal was tested at each exposure time, these statistics indicate the consistency of labeling frequency over the entire area of retina in which counts were made (n = 30 fields). Date of download: 11/11/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.